It’s honestly a huge step forward that we are judging him on the content of his character not the color of his skin or his sexual orientation.
Shut up, Tomato.
Ten years ago an openly gay candidate would never have gotten this level of attention or support.
the entire city does hate his father. I am not sure if there is a word stronger than hate.. but it would be that word.
“I did that bad thing, so what?” has been the mantra this shitstain has lived his entire life by and not one single fucking person in a position of power ever stood up to him and said “It’s illegal, that’s what” and held him accountable.
This, and also: What if the GOP sticking together on Trump could be used to, I dunno, fire up the base in Senate races across the country in 2020?
The thing that Pelosi’s never seemed to understand was Trump was not going to stop committing impeachable offenses. She apparently thought the Mueller investigation would either result in a clear enough case for impeachment that it would dramatically shift public opinion, or that it wouldn’t and then the issue would…
I live in one of those “exotic” places and guess what? Those places also have large, boring-ass cities. We have wardrobes that lack the color and flair of a cotillion ball. Because all that imagined exotic color of yours is pretty much imagined, not the actual world of normal people (both current and historic).
asked the jury to side with Guyger’s claim of self-defense, saying prosecutors are “holding Amber Guyger to an impossible standard” and “making innocent mistakes into evil acts.”
You probably didn’t mean it that way, but you sound like you’re advocating for Rainforest Cafe. If that’s what we get, no thanks.
When RWNJs talk about putting veterans and retired cops in schools, this is the shit that’ll happen all the time.
I’m sure you’re being facetious, but I’m on a bus ride, so what the hell, I did the math. Either you’re bringing back 1,000 items to the hotel to wind up with one item, in which case one wonders how much it costs to get a beast of burden into a comicon. Or you wind up with one-tenth of an item, which seems needlessly…
So you personally live a boring life, is my takeaway from all this. Sorry, bro, that sucks.
These people fell for a marketing gimmick and have no one to blame but themselves.
Yeah, it’s hard to pick the worst aspect of this story. It’s a dumb marketing stunt that was executed in a half-assed way by a junk food powerhouse in collaboration with the wooooorst new corporation of the 21st century.
Charter schools in Florida are legal grifts.
I still can’t get over the Zimmern quote about “saving the Midwest from bad Chinese Food”. Since if the residents of St. Louis Park wanted good SE Asian fare, all they need to do is get out of the suburbs and visit University Avenue.
Because cops.
Turner is a retired Orlando PD officer who was previously reprimanded for excessive force.