I’m a trans woman who has seen the attacks on my community ramp up over the past couple of years. When you say “maybe we could scrap identity politics”, I hear “maybe you should hush while we discuss what I consider *real* problems.”
I’m a trans woman who has seen the attacks on my community ramp up over the past couple of years. When you say “maybe we could scrap identity politics”, I hear “maybe you should hush while we discuss what I consider *real* problems.”
Whenever I hear/read someone complain about identity politics, it’s code for “I don’t care about anything save for white identity politics.”
...a cohort of edgelords for whom politics has become a tribal bloodsport, yet paradoxically have nothing of substance at risk with any of these elections (save their egos).
I don’t see an heir apparent.
This is totally par for the course for Bernie’s supporters, a cohort of edgelords for whom politics has become a tribal bloodsport, yet paradoxically have nothing of substance at risk with any of these elections (save their egos). They will gleefully shipwreck this country and all our futures in the name of…
Cant wait for the white Bernie supporters to come explain how this was all trolls and not actual Bernie supports, ignoring the numerous persons of color, women, and especially women of color who have been documenting it for 4 years now. They know about it better than the people experiencing it and they are here to…
this was full on N-word stuff, and it made the white liberal in me die a little each time I went into the kitchen to run food.
[until they meet a muslim woman, and then they hate her (omar, tlaib)]
Ben Carson is stupid and evil. Ben Carson isn't even in the worst 50% of Trump's lackeys. Both things can be true.
They also are deeply feminist when it comes to hating Muslims.
If the ‘white liberal’ in you dies a little each time you hear people reclaiming a slur used against them you’re right on the white, not so much on the liberal.....
I’m so white, I make Casper look tan, so I’ll leave it to other people to outline ways to be a good white liberal, but I’m preeeetty sure it doesn’t involve doing what this guy wants to do.
I mean let's not pretend shitty racist Bernie supporters don't exist. But you are also right that paid right-wing trolls intentionally amplify any animus.
Republicans don’t give a shit about sexual assault or women’s safety unless they can use it as a cudgel against the homeless and LGBTQ people.
It’s astounding that in the year of our lord 2019, a white guy wrote a letter asking if it was okay to tell a bunch of POC to change their “hardcore rap”.
What kind of fucking word salad is that? I’m not a POC, but I find it extremely cute when Berners try to explain to POCs what’s actually in their best interests.
You’re a centrist for supporting the second most progressive candidate, who agrees with Sanders on most substantive issues but is a bit more cautious in both presentation and policy details. It’s absurd.
I still have a stalker who is absolutely convinced I’m a secret Biden supporter. My sin? That I disagreed that Biden was AS BAD as Trump. Seriously, it’s some times hard to separate the troll from the idiot.
I got called a centrist for saying I supported Warren over Bernie. There’s no reasoning with children.
I’ve seen a lot of this on social media lately, attacking people who mostly like Sanders and think he’s an important policy voice. There’s a lot of conspiratorial thinking, a lot of bad-faith attacks on Warren (quite a few of which have been deeply sexist), and extreme vitriol from people who clearly have nothing to…