
OH my God. He’s Sophie Lennon.

You’re not going to win over conservatives who have been trained to hate you. Stop trying.

Conservatives aren’t funny. The comedians conservatives think are funny are...Larry the Cable Guy. Tim Allen. Sentient re-hashes of the same old unfunny shit from the last 50 years, sometimes packaged in a new way but always entirely predictable. 

Unfortunately, it seems no one bothered to vet Gillis, or even give him a cursory Google

And CNN put Corey Lewandowski on New Day this morning at 8am after he admitted lying regularly to the press under questtioning by Berke yesterday. Under oath.

Imagine treating a donation to an alleged pedophile/ephebophile like an incorrect Postmates order.

Always worth a repost...

Looking at the way this went down, it’s difficult to arrive at any conclusion other than the Senate Democrats were more worried about keeping their own seats than actually having power at any point in the foreseeable future.

Or to Moms Demand Action. 

Fuck that. They should donate all proceeds. Everything. It’s too easy to minimize and hide profits and people make money off of others deaths. If you’re going to touch a school shooting, you better do it from a 100% charity point of view. Anything else is scum.

No, we’ll pass on the “old racist who will die soon” demographic. Thanks.

He 100% pronounces it EYE-talians.

My favorite part of all of this is that no one says Hispanic anymore, and it’s generally considered just a step or two above a racial slur. And this motherfucker just says it over and over. I guarantee he still calls all Asian Americans “Orientals.”

Or Starbucks should just offer a hazelnut syrup venti with a pump of coffee. Problem solved!

My bitch face hasn’t rested since November 8, 2016.

Just get a bottle of the syrup and a straw at that point...or go to Dairy Queen and get the milkshake you really want. Imagine, a coffee shop wants to serve actual coffee instead of liquid cotton candy.  Why are folks bothering with a coffee shop if they want that anyway?

Where on the male anatomy do we inject botox to stop men from telling women to smile?

If you’re doing the math at home it’s about 200 grams of sugar.  A twelve oz soda has about 39 grams of sugar. 

Yeah, looking at it I can’t see why it would be a problem. The joy-con are outside the dock when the system is docked. I could see having to line it up more carefully, but unclear why it would be any more painstaking than that. 

Some of it I can certainly see people taking legitimate issue with, but some of the quotes from her are just such so benign, I couldn’t believe people were getting upset over it. One in particular, she had said “You can’t tell the story of Islam in America without Nation of Islam,” and people were like “omg she