How about for the stuff he did when he was 19?
How about for the stuff he did when he was 19?
You can appreciate characteristics on someone else (i.e., being bald) that you don’t want for yourself.
My friends and I bought tickets to see The Next Karate Kid with a plan to sneak into something R-rated. My friend got busted and we had the option of leaving the theatre or seeing the movie we had tickets for. We opted to watch TNKK and that’s really all I remember about the movie.
I read somewhere that that weird tour rider started with a band that had very detailed pyrotechnic requirements for safety purposes; if they showed up and the weird requests were met, they could be sure the venue had read and (theoretically) implemented their safety requirements. If they didn’t have the bowl of green…
I have a lower back tattoo in solid black where the same thing happens. Only one of my four tattoos it happens to, so I guess the ink that shop used is a blend that doesn’t work with my system.
I got congratulated for the baby I had on the way while I was pushing my 8-day old in a stroller.
That koala chlamydia ward is still one of the funniest responses to his show that I’ve ever seen. Russell Crowe’s a genius for that move, and I applaud him.
Yah I submitted one that hasn't shown up. Not sure if it wasn't liked or if my use of a particular local term for the recipient of my burn was considered a sour.
I was on a patio having a few drinks with a buddy of mine (both of us nerdy types) when a table of Ginos sat down and were being generally loud and obnoxious, though not too awful. I saw one of them flashing his abs/chest at his buddies, I rolled my eyes, my evening carried on.
In Canada employers are legally required to give employees time to vote, and polling stations are open for twelve hours. I've never had to wait longer than about five minutes in line.
Except for him destroying Amber Heard’s books on the set of Aquaman for his own amusement:
There are people who think putting in a tampon is a sexual act.
Thank you, this is what always comes immediately to mind for me whenever his name comes up.
I was at a burrito place with my husband and daughter, who was small enough she couldn’t go to the bathroom by herself. I always check toilet contents, seats, and paper before I sit down because people are gross.
Sounds right. We usually look forward to the thunderstorms, since they help burn off the built up humidity, but the temperature itself usually drops at night. Though I was training for a half-marathon many years ago and running at 11 o'clock at night because it was tolerable then, and it was still 100% humidity.…
Hah, Vancouverites are hilarious when they complain about their weather. Above 20C (68f) has them sweating and acting like it’s August in Las Vegas.
One day I was opening a jar of fancy chocolate sauce I’d bought and previously opened. There was dried sauce around the rim of the jar, and as I removed the lid it turned into a fucking shiv that lodged itself in my hand.
The greatest gift the previous owners of our house gave us was dimmer switches in the upstairs bathrooms.
I’m also in Ontario: the clinic my family and I go to has a policy of getting people in within 48 hours for most issues, and you can schedule appointments further out if they’re routine (well baby visits, PAP smears, etc.). If my doctor isn’t available and I need to be seen (like when I started bleeding during my…
You were there for her and you believed her. That matters.