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If the audience is aware of D&D races, then it doesn’t come off as blackface. But the fact that Shirley specifically asks, “Are we just going to ignore that hate crime over there?” shows to me that the creators were aware that non-D&D types would likely read it as blackface. Pierce, who is hugely all the negative

She did a rom-com with Hugh Grant in 2014 called The Rewrite - he’s a creepy college professor sleeping with co-eds, she’s an adult student who gives him shit. It’s not the best rom-com I’ve ever seen, but she’s a rounded character and doesn’t try to change him/fix him, so that’s something.

Samantha also had a short-lived relationship with Asio Highsmith and a slightly longer one with Sônia Braga. 

Playtex Baby makes a few things for babies - bottles, diaper genies, pacifiers, that kind of thing. 

I’m so sorry that you went through that and that no one stood by you. I hope you have found a support network, and please know that a random stranger in Canada heard you and knows you did nothing wrong.

Sometimes when I was younger I didn’t appreciate her practical side - like when she told me I couldn’t do a music degree (and in retrospect the path I chose was the better one for me) - but I definitely appreciate it in retrospect. I've got a wide practical streak of my own, and I have a lot of my mom in me, which I

My mom gave me the same advice about blaming her if I needed to get out of a situation I wasn’t comfortable in. Great advice, especially for a kid who might not be comfortable asserting themselves.

I think part of the appeal is seeing someone who can challenge what a politician is saying. Journalists don’t or can’t always do that - especially to Trump - so seeing a prominent member of the media actually call BS on what he thinks is BS is refreshing.

Oh, wonderful! I’m in Canada and streaming is rarely available for the stuff I want to watch, but I managed to find other ways of checking out the shows. I can see on imdb there was a web series for W13 that I can’t seem to find, though. 

I’m probably too late, but fuck it.

Warehouse 13 is delightful, and I highly recommend Eureka, as well - very different tone/set up, but has ties in to Warehouse 13.

I’m a stomach sleeper and was able to do it until about 4 months with my first and I don’t remember with my second. I adjusted okay to sleeping on my left side, and would often wake up on my back, especially when I was near the end. *shrug* The snoring was a bigger problem than any blood flow issues, and that only

It is absolutely a horrible conversation to have, even when you have a good relationship with your parents. Mine was compounded by a previous instance of an angry ex- who blasted details of my relationship with a friend of his on what was then social media. My dad was not great at handling his eldest daughter’s

Not trying to white knight your friend, but under French pronunciation rules, her spelling is fine. “eau”, “au”, “aux”, “eaux”, “o” are all pronounced as “o” sounds. 

I had the word “Hallowe’en” on a spelling test in grade 1, and if you left out the apostrophe, you failed. Now it’s all “Halloween” everywhere you go, and I’m sad for that poor, forgotten apostrophe.

I listened to the soundtrack all the time when I was younger, . I recited “The Naming of Cats” in grade 7 for a poem recitation we had to give because I already had it memorized from listening all the time. The production came to my city when I was in my early 20s. I went, I loved it, I still love the music. It’s

That’s how I’ve always done it with my kids, too. And I’m rarely rigid with the countdown, so sometimes 5 minutes is actually 10. If they’re being assholes, maybe it’s 2.

Is it the “fucking in a chicken joint bathroom and bragging about finishing in less than a minute” bit that John Oliver featured on Last Week Tonight?

I’m so sorry for your losses and struggles, and I’m so happy for you that you were able to carry your miracle baby to term and bring him into the world safely. All of our bodies handle pregnancy so so differently, even from one to the next, and it’s so unfair for others to judge us based on our own experiences.

Yeah, my mom had her ribs clamped open and was on some heavy-duty drugs after my (younger) sister was born. She said the recovery from that was brutal.