I remember reading that in things like the hot tub sketches, the reason he kept cracking up was because Will Ferrell was tickling and grabbing at him under the water. He just always seemed to me like he was having fun, which was great.
I remember reading that in things like the hot tub sketches, the reason he kept cracking up was because Will Ferrell was tickling and grabbing at him under the water. He just always seemed to me like he was having fun, which was great.
I remember reading that in things like the hot tub sketches, the reason he kept cracking up was because Will Ferrell was tickling and grabbing at him under the water. He just always seemed to me like he was having fun, which was great.
I remember reading that in things like the hot tub sketches, the reason he kept cracking up was because Will Ferrell was tickling and grabbing at him under the water. He just always seemed to me like he was having fun, which was great.
I have had two different ex-boyfriends confess to me that their first sexual experiences were with their biological sisters, with whom they were raised and knew to be family (one of the guys was involved with both of his sisters even). I have no doubt GSA exists and is a totally strange and horrifyingly difficult…
My 18-week old dude was 12 lbs 6 oz last week, and was 7 lbs 2 oz at birth. I thought he was going to be bigger, but no.
Not my story to tell, but I'll tell it anyways. A friend of mine did some CGI on the second X-Men movie (also The Core, which I still mock) and got to meet some of the cast. According to my friend (who I believe is cool with gay people but possibly preferably from a distance so would have no reason to lie about this),…
I may have completely borked the spelling, but if I remember correctly, it was the equivalent of having her uterus cauterized so that a lining wouldn't form and therefore no periods? Forgive me, this workplace was nearly 10 years ago and I've never had to look up the procedure for myself.
She's between 12-15 weeks pregnant?
Would an ablation do anything for you? I had a coworker have one before menopause set in for her and she thought it was the best.
I have occasionally used Instead (a disposable soft cup thingy) for my periods. They sometimes migrate and I have short fingers, so one time when I was removing it I was having to do the whole leg on the bathtub and bear down exercise to help remove it. Well, apparently I bore down too hard or something because that…
My neighbours had one girl, kept saying they were on the fence about more kids (though I always suspected they'd have more). She gets pregnant, bam - twins, no IVF. I laughed when she told me, then apologized for laughing.
My cousin's twins were 5-6 lbs each at birth IIRC. Bitch had no stretch marks, either. :/
My neighbours had one girl, kept saying they were on the fence about more kids (though I always suspected they'd have more). She gets pregnant, bam - twins, no IVF. I laughed when she told me, then apologized for laughing.
My neighbours had one girl, kept saying they were on the fence about more kids (though I always suspected they'd have more). She gets pregnant, bam - twins, no IVF. I laughed when she told me, then apologized for laughing.
I can't speak to the current version, but the older ones you held your hand over their eyes until they went to sleep. I think they woke up when they wanted to, though, so hello heart attacks (my toddler got a toy from the neighbours that has a mat in the front that's touch-activated. Occasionally one of the cats will…
I can't speak to the current version, but the older ones you held your hand over their eyes until they went to sleep. I think they woke up when they wanted to, though, so hello heart attacks (my toddler got a toy from the neighbours that has a mat in the front that's touch-activated. Occasionally one of the cats will…
he doesn't really go out of his way to market himself or push his content to other people.
Yeah, my daughter went bald in the front, but kept most of the back of her hair (we have some really unfortunate one-month old posed photos of her during this phase, along with baby acne), but never really lost it all. She seems to have a blend of our hair, with it a bit coarser like my husband's, but a lot of it like…
I was born with a full head of hair, my sister was bald until she was 2. Shortly after she finally had enough hair to have bangs, I cut it off with pinking shears because I wanted to see if they would zigzag cut hair, too.
My cousin delivered her daughter (third baby; first pregnancy was twin boys) in the time it took her husband to go from the car to the admitting desk. He's a doctor, so I assume they were leaving for the hospital with adequate time, but I don't know the particulars.