Yup, lady parts is my go-to, though I'm trying to make sure my toddler is also learning vulva (obviously not sexytime related; she can pick her preferred euphemisms when she's older).
Yup, lady parts is my go-to, though I'm trying to make sure my toddler is also learning vulva (obviously not sexytime related; she can pick her preferred euphemisms when she's older).
Coupling quotes should never be obscure.
You can totally have white or its iterations and still bring colour into it - I posted a pic of my dress on another comment so I won't repost it here, but my dress was off-white with a big swath of cranberry down the front, and lots of embroidery detailing in cranberry on the chest/front/train. I lucked out hardcore…
My dress was an off-white with cranberry accents, including a big swath of cranberry across the front and embroidery on the front and train. I loved it, and we actually found dresses for my bridesmaids in the same colour and a similar style to my dress. Considering my bridesmaids were my pale-ass sister whose…
I was a 98% match with a horrible ex- of mine a million years ago on OKC. He emailed me to tell me that; I replied to tell him that clearly that was why those types of algorithms should never be trusted.
That is a cool specialty I didn't even realize was a thing. I will say the anaesthesiologist who oversaw my first c-section (got a planned second one coming up) was a cool dude; he explained everything that was going to happen beforehand, then explained it again as it was happening. Nice, chill approach (not that I…
The models on the left are rocking what we in the urban community call
I was just listening to this one this afternoon — and he was exactly right. Thank you for quoting it!
Oh, I'm not a happy pregnant person, and apparently neither was my mom. I spent my entire first pregnancy cranky, fat, swollen, in pain from SPD and just stressed and terrified about the idea of having a baby (I'm very comfortable saying that I don't like kids much and if my husband had said he never wanted any, I'm…
I was looking for my people! My first pregnancy is documented in two photos: one that my aunt-in-law took and I couldn't figure out how to say no, and one that my mom took at my shower where my friend and I stood belly-to-belly because we were due 4 days apart.
Exactly what you're saying. I had a poster on another board telling me, "oh, well, my friend was in the same boat as you, and she waited and did this and did that and was able to deliver her son naturally." Bish, I don't give a damn how my kid came out (I was thrilled to have a c-section and actually went in expecting…
I was induced for my first kid, and that wasn't the most fun I've ever had. We showed up to the hospital unannounced because I couldn't tell what the hell was going on, and I was basically asking for whatever pain relief they could give me the moment I walked through the door.
I've bounced between being a TotalFarkette and a regular Farkette, and I would say my most frustrating experience on Fark is how quickly so many of the threads just devolve into whether or not the posters would do the subject of the article. I'm pretty thick-skinned, and I just find it tiresome; it's kept me off the…
I feel like this is just taking every single stereotype and throwing them into a bowl to say, "hey, this movie is about Canada!" and I don't know how I feel about that. It's always awkward for me when Americans parody Canadians.
This was my experience with my first mat leave. I came back to the same job and department, and literally felt like I'd just been gone a weekend. I know for some it wasn't like that, since there were lots of departures/arrivals during their year away, but aside from adjusting to the new hours (I came back to work at…
I'm going to have to hazard a guess that your wife's workplace isn't the happiest one, then. It's unfortunate, but there are departments that earn a 'toxic' label and have a hard time recruiting/retaining people.
Bones can be bad for that, but I find The Glades and the KIA ads to be the worst. The absolute worst. "Wow, I never noticed that third row of seating back there!" "Yeah, it's great for when I pick up Jeff from soccer practice and he's invited the whole team over." Or characters playing with the features — "Oh my god,…
Swiss Chalet (a rotisserie chicken place up here) does that at the end/in the middle of meals. It's not uncommon to try to prank someone into drinking the 'lemon soup'.
Thank you. I had a c-section with my daughter because her head was too big for me to deliver (and she descended wrong apparently); my mom had my sister and me by c-section for similar reasons.
And in fact, the French (or at least Quebec French) have a similar word for whore/slut, which is poutin — so if you're not careful about how you order from the chip wagon, you could end up with some problems.