WORD. fuck 64 upvotes. this shit is offensive. try growing up anything but skinny, blonde, and white. it's not fucking easy.
WORD. fuck 64 upvotes. this shit is offensive. try growing up anything but skinny, blonde, and white. it's not fucking easy.
i had three female roommates freshman year of college at pratt and i loved the hell out of all of them. not so much the gypsy, vegan jewelry maker but in hindsight we were all unicorns. one daughter of a Massachusetts state senator, aforementioned gypsysmith, the daughter of miss lima of multiple crowns and myself:…
I HAVE NO IDEA what i would do if i lived with a black girl or what it would be like. i'm thinking it would be like living with a human being? but i can't be sure. somebody should make a sitcom.
it has been done.
her name is cassiebearRAWR. leave her alone. signed, jenrobyou.
this happened to me recently. except it was video. and he was a philadelphia police officer. *facepalm*
i'm feeling super lazy but i'll try:
you'll notice with different porn sites that yes, your webcam will turn on without your permission. people can and probably have filmed you without your knowledge or consent. people can very easily be extorted with videos of them j/o and such like this.....
a good two year stretch while i lived at a certain center city residence. there were different ways that literally would be be exhaustive to list/explain. in short? my house was broken into three times, weird texts, different dating sites, and the phone line incident i mentioned earlier. the friend who filled me in…
Senior Year of High School and I am broke and hungry; my friend and I hit TD Bank (then Commerce) with a palm-sized Longaberger basket with enough loose change to MAYBE get a chicken sandwich with $ scrapped from Penny Arcade.
perf response
porn is so excellent in its variety. the NSA knows this.
i have so many opinions about that jack quote but i will keep it to myself.
haha. i posted the picture in that thread! look for it! i can't post it again; i felt terrible enough.
they hang out on the internet, like regular folk. *shrug*
people fuck with other people in a myriad of ways. this behavior isn't exclusive to the government, it's prevalent in corporations and banking and the marketing shoved down our throats day in and day out. manipulation and coercion is everywhere. like the article stated, most of these people are enlisted. young, male,…