Makes sense. when I’m depressed and crying in front of the mirror the thing I want most is to be erased from existence.
Makes sense. when I’m depressed and crying in front of the mirror the thing I want most is to be erased from existence.
You can literally die any day at any moment by anything ranging from being hit by a bus or having a freak aneurysm. Save as you will, but if you’re missing out on things you’d like to do/experience now thinking you’d be able to do them in the future anyways, just be warned.
I think what he said was pretty fair. “I don’t remember” seemed like an honest statement especially when he followed it up with “I am not calling you a liar.”
My immediate family members said and did a whole lot of awful shit to me when I was a kid so much so we not exactly tight as adults. I don’t want to be.
He’s a messy bitch. He says controversial shit for attention. It’s only cute for a minute.
And don’t forget the OTHER Ann Coulter business model from the olden days: being vanity-published by Regnery, who bulk-buys their own books to make them look like bestsellers. Applies here. I know no one who would buy his ghostwritten crock-o-shite.
They literally don’t exist. I know a shit-ton of gay guys. Have ‘em for friends. They all think he’s a tacky, coked-out mofo. Not one of them cops to being spoken-for by him.
Ha! Months ago I commented that I thought he was following the Ann Coulter career playbook. She betrayed her woman card and he betrays his gay card. After that, it’s entirely the same shtick.
But how will we know that we’re fat if they don’t tell us?? I mean, personally I have no self-awareness and always forget that I am fat until someone points it out.
Wow, I mean, that’s SUCH a new joke, isn’t it? I mean, I’ve sure never heard it before, boy howdy, nope. Fat feminists, haha, wow, sick burn.
Lindy West flosses harder things than Milo from out between her teeth every morning.
Milo is speaking for weak White males, gay or straight, who get off on humiliating others.
There are times when I want to shake Lindy and say “You are a big smart White girl, girl! Come on, screw these b*****” and then shit like this is revealed and realize there needs to be more Lindy Wests, louder Lindy Wests amongst White women.
Who are all these gay guys he thinks he’s speaking for? Milo shares a narcissistic trait with Trump: projecting his own ugly worldview onto others (“Many people say...”).
Did Milo buy all of those books himself? Because he’s selling like shit. Oh, right - because he is a piece of shit, not that that’s stopping a third of this country from rushing out to spend money proving they’re assholes.
As per usual, all of these people can go fuck themselves. Wow, insulting fat feminists! That sure is a burning hot take.
I really just want a bunch of people to die at this point, I’ve got nothing constructive to say, I just wish death upon many many people.