
i like stereotypically attractive people in the same way i like well-drawn cartoon characters. they're fun to look at and especially entertaining when they have personality to boot. but i might not necessarily want to bang them. i think men tend to set it as prerequisite to bang.

overstated? i dont think so.

this is a purely cismale thing, sorry. there is no way i only attach physical attractiveness to sex. there are so many other things that come into play.

word. i guess my ONLY qualm with this point is that being fat would never be a dealbreaker for a serious relationship if the person had other attributes i found attractive. there is a difference between knowing/appreciating that somebody is "hot" and knowing you could be with them for a long run.


she looks like an 80's illustrated dinosaur to me. a beautiful, 80s illustrated dinosaur. am i the only one?

oh god, fix the underwear jammed up your ass and get a life.

"who is this rando they've chosen to shill one of the most iconic fragrances of all time formerly represented by one of the most iconic women of all time; she looks like somebody's aunt snatched from the local drugstore"


i lived with a rotating cast of complete squares from 2009-2012. they were all fresh out of state school in their first "big girl and boy" jobs and my stints in the service industry coupled with the fact i (GASP) smoked marijuana occasionally meant i was courtney fucking love to all of them.


i found my mothers swatch book and i was DYING. that and my father's high school yearbook where every single female senior's future aspiration is "secretary".

i love how these types of studies presuppose a world were nobody has any ability to examine their own thoughts and feelings.

THIS LADY? really? you might as well cast my aunt barbara. did they find her at duane reade?

*the decision to allow hunts like this are made by wildlife managers who happen to harbor fantasies of fucking underage teenage girls on the lifeless pelt of the animal(s) she slaughtered.

i love you.

it's like any other group setting; it's all about morale. if you have one whiny bitch bringing the rest of the group down then yeah, nobody will make it. "what will my man think if i get aaaabsssss???? is that, like, too muscular like britney spears during her TOO muscular phase?"

i could be 180 or 200 pounds and fucking jacked but then basically no man would ever fuck me. how is that for a deterrent to join the military? get real.

yESSSSSSS QUEEN BEY is not a stripper!

this is some humbert humbert shit. love it.