
this is actually a good comment post it in the correct place

INCREDIBLE. please actually write scripts.

i actually like the utilitarianism of this outfit overall BUUUUUUUUUUUUT that pattern is effing hideous.

they both responded beautifully to this entire incident. SO PROUD.

another killer article by erin gloria ryan. i am holding up my hand in the shape of a "J" for (good) Journalism. A++++++++++++++

this is not fake. i know plenty of people EXACTLY like this.

fuck this utter cunt. lily allen is like rich kids of instagram.

some chick totally pissed infront of me lastnight and while it was funny on the inside i was like, "dear god no."

iggy wins. seriously Queen-status statement.



i have like, the darkest of dark sexual fantasies. every since i was a little girl. i'm probably what you could psychologically classify as a born sadist/masochist (there are variables that determine what role i play) and this stuff has occasionally turned me on. so i am absolutely putting myself in this dude's shoes.

thank god, someone reasonable.

the one dude was gonna do it. i can see it in his dumb, beady little eyes. the other one sounds more plausibly like an extreme fetishist. to have your wife backing you up on it is a big deal. though plenty of people fail to feel threatened when they're actually being threatened and vice versa.

whiiiiiich he did.

good. now give his show to a hilarious fat lady who isn't a hateful little shit.

holy shit well i'm not going into the ocean with anything less than a spacesuit from now on.

the only solution to this is mandatory wetsuits for everyone at the beach. seriously, lets just globally ban swimwear like bikinis and speedos and embrace wetsuits. no risk of sun overexposure, and jellyfish-proof. pair this with crocs and you might as well be a mermaid.

the best. if you're on the fence about getting one consider/know two things:

i do not got people who are offended by this shit. laugh! for once in your life!