i like people's stories though because i'm not a condescending, intellectual snob glob. if you want to criticize people offering their own human experience then fine? but put something out there better than dusty Game of Thrones memes.
i like people's stories though because i'm not a condescending, intellectual snob glob. if you want to criticize people offering their own human experience then fine? but put something out there better than dusty Game of Thrones memes.
hey you might want a copy of this pamphlet i have it's about this new disease where people can't handle commentary or something it's called opinion intolerance/generalized human sensitivity. just make sure you really have it though because it can easily be misconstrued for a person who just HAS to feel like the…
that girl sounds insufferable. i am going to start being a lot more mean to the hot girls on my facebook wall. they need to be stopped. it's like everyone has a really bad case of fitmom.
forwarding them an envelope full of my poop in like 5 minutes
i'd like to participate in this study; who should i mail my poop to?
guys the big reveal here is WE ARE THOSE 37 PEOPLE and our shit is being secretly collected and examined and by the end of this we WILL REACH a conclusion.
you will get the same effect (weight loss eating the same shit as you did before) if you start working at whole foods.
yeah i finally gave up after i was like "ok i'm thin but i actually want to kill myself so this is bad."
lol space ghost rules i would ditch husband for intergalactic talk show host anyday
i might as well just staple I CAME FROM JEZEBEL on my forehead after this, but....yeah. all of these interconnected industries pertaining to food growth, production, distribution etc. are run mostly run by men like my father....who keeps a binder full of fast food coupons in his car for MULTIPLE DAILY USE and…
i actually don't have parents; i am your reptilian overlord stuck on this wretched planet until my service here is done.
why does everyone on this thread sound like they wish they were richard dawkins? are there a lot of british people here or something?
my understanding was always that it's like protein bread jizz that helps everything stick together, almost like an emulsifier? either way, gluten doesn't exist for consumption on its own without the carb. component so they're closely related in my brain. used to work at whole foods in center city philadelphia so i had…
lol k
actually if you ate an entire pint of ben and jerry's double mudslide and ONLY that you'd be well under your daily caloric requirements, create an energy intake deficit and probably lose weight.
this is one of the most amazing stories i have ever heard.