
seriously. My neighbor three doors down knows when we're making sausage and peppers, but no one smelled a decomposing adult?

I really like these clothes. I' often wish i had the care to put that kind of effort into how I look on a daily basis.

I also sign on to this request

There are some shitty therapists out there, no doubt. But some people go into the field because they genuienly want to help other people. [...] I hope you can try treatment again and a good therapist works within frameworks but is willing to learn and be flexible

"This is a Shrayber!" OMG.

Ok, you're just trolling us with these terrible stories now, Mark. <3

Remember Blockbuster's "No Late Fees" strategy? This is like that.

GOOD ONE! OMG he looks terrified to be with her.

Just saw yesterday that Joe Manganiello and Sofia Vergara are doin' IT.

Mark, did Jezebel put you on the "Stories that are so fucked up you wish you had never read them" beat, or is this the life you have chosen for yourself? I call misandry.

Umbridge was WAY scarier.

oh my god, the flanks. I died.

So they CAN make it worse.

College would have been so much better if everyone was almost 30 like they are in this movie. Also, the first movie should have been called "High School Musical: For Adults!"

The "summer" wasn't the part I found worthy of mocking.

Or the way a senile person who forgot the name of an event would call it: "What was that name of that show, the Summer fancy food show?"

I have often said it's a good thing little kids are cute because it is seriously the only reason we let them live. They are indeed stone cold little sociopaths. Back when she was 3 my (now completely mature and well adjusted) daughter used to talk about how when she was a grown up I would be dead and she would go to

Ha! With that attitude, she/he was probably a great Kindergarten teacher!

I used to be a Kindergarten teacher and the first lesson I learned was that children, almost without exception, are all little sociopaths.

I love Jamie Dornan, but even his hotness can't convince me to watch 50 Shades. He was so good on Once Upon a Time and in The Fall, but I am unable to think of anything besides him that I would enjoy about that movie, and he's not enough on his own.