
Not a vegetarian, I don't even like pets. I know certain animals are hunted without any negative impact on their populations and it can be a form of population control. But I still think that spending a day trying to extinguish something's life is a barbaric thing to refer to as a "hobby."

Eek, that's terrible for everyone involved. it 1930?! I mean, what in the actual fuck? Here it is, 2014, and I thought the most backwards people could get was like, deer hunting and such. But going to AFRICA to kill ENDANGERED big game?! Is this girl a railroad tycoon?? I can't even be mad, I'm too fucking confused!

I feel the same way about a Lady Scientist who's doing Science Things while braless in a tank top or camisole. Looking at you, everything on SyFy.

Oh, maybe we are married to the same person because that menagerie sounds like his extensive pet owning history! But now that we have a nearly-3 year old and a 9 month old, luckily those are all the messy, noisy, food and drink requiring pets he needs.

Hahaha, OMG! That's so funny and gross. My guy still catches tiny frogs in the backyard and then shows me what he caught, like a cat with a dead bird.

There's a lot to be worried about when a loved one is an emergency responder. But now I'll add this to the list. Especially since my loved one is the special kind of loony who'd take hold of a venomous snake and just be like, "Hey, buddy. You get a little lost? You're probably just hungry." FOR YOUR BUTT, HE IS

I often wonder that. I feel like there's so many cases of shooters who just off themselves after they're done, but there's also a good portion who get taken into custody. But I think death is too good a fate for someone who kills children (children he's the uncle of, according to one article), so he deserves a super

I love when men are described as wearing a "top." It seems like just a gentle nudge away from "blouse."

Maybe my favorite GIF ever.

I considered that, but those are pretty forgiving neighbors then! I'd be complaining about stink, and in the situation of hoarding, I'd be worried about structural problems due to the weight of it.

Eesh, that's awful. I'm glad you called it in even if the police were stretched to thin to check it out. I have family in law enforcement and they often report to calls like that. I hope your new home is stink-free!

It has to be hard to shake a role like that, especially since I'm sure a lot of times he was cast because they wanted a Tim Riggins type. I do plan to watch A Normal Heart though.

And I could see maybe if it were a house, but wouldn't the stink be in the air ducts and stuff??

I don't understand the "no one smelled anything suspicious" aspect of this. Even if there weren't a decomposing corpse, there's still an apartment filled with garbage hoard. How bad does that building smell that rotting corpse/mountains of garbage smell doesn't arouse any suspicion??

Most of the time, I see the name Taylor and assume it's Swift, and my brain immediately dismisses the information as white noise. But thankfully I caught myself today, and I would like to request that all news about Taylor Kitsch be preceded by the words, "TIM RIGGINS ALERT" in giant flashing letters. Thank you in

I saw this bootleg lemonade shit on another post and I CANNOT believe it's really a thing people do. I used to do it when I was a kid ("an inventor genius!!" <—me) and I'd get bored waiting for my parents to finish their coffee...but I never asked for more lemons, I just used the ones that came with my mom's Diet Coke

It is worth reporting! But I read the headline and immediately said to myself, "This is a Shrayber." Which isn't a great thing, you should be synonymous with a type of delicious sandwich or a fetching kind of men's tie.

Totally. There are so many parts of that book where I wanted to toss it at the wall because of her. And I believe Stephen King even called her one of the greatest villains ever created?

My husband asked why I was howling and I made him look at it. He didn't find it as funny as I did, because he is a robot??? Anyway: <i>the flanks</i>. That is all.