
Poirot wore bow-ties, not neckties, and even had he worn a necktie, probably wouldn’t have been so sloppy when tying a Half-Windsor. Also, given that the Windsor knot would have been fairly new at the time, Poirot would not have worn it. He was still wearing pince-nez in the 1930s.

I think a lot of people are missing the point here. It’s great if you didn’t have significant pain or complications, but my point is that there are a lot of women that do, and there’s nothing doctors can really do for them but take the IUD out if they eventually can’t stand it anymore. This article is claiming doctors

I get that the pain wasn’t that bad for you, but I don’t see how you can be making a general claim that the pain isn’t that bad for everyone. There are a lot of comments on here contradicting that.

I hate Facebook for this shit.

There is, and I've done it.
The primary way is "the Boulevard" which is an air route that goes from Afghanistan to the Gulf of Oman. It's the primary route for USAF planes from Qatar and Navy air power from carriers in the Gulf of Oman. It's basically a straight line down to the sea kinda near Karachi.

.... *sigh* SO glad gifs are back.

That's a definite possibility. I can already hear Candice DeLong's deadpan commentary, her eyes slightly bulging: "Heather's mom didn't want her with a guy like Tommy. So Heather and Tommy got rid of Mom."

Conscious recoupling!

Did anyone else think it was kind of a lot to off a kid in this movie?

It's just a dumb troll with a decent vocabulary. It seriously just tried telling me that there's nothing illegal about filming someone having sex on an article about two geniuses in trouble with the law for filming someone having sex.

Your rudeness is uncalled for. Fuck off.

"There's nothing illegal about filming someone having sex"

Kate, Harry Potter Land is actually a magical place of wonder and amazement. You should absolutely go for a few days. I loved it so much I'm sad that the Three Broomsticks isn't franchising itself and putting one in my city so that I can go hang out there regularly.

I had a doctor ask me if I was "sexually active" when I was 15, and I thought that meant the same as "promiscuous" (I was there for problems with my period). So I answered, "Umm, not THAT active." How he must have laughed about it later. (I was given b.c. pills, and my mom was fine with that—this was the 70s).

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that these kids are spoiled and entitled as fuck, as are the parents. Yeah, last week, my toddler got SOOOPER attached to another kid's dump truck at the park. My kid was practically having an emotional affair with that damn truck. But he had to deal with the fact that he

FINE I will just go ahead and put my "Game of Porcelain Thrones" comment right here if everyone else is too classy to say it.

He also hates Downton Abbey ...

I don't think you actually understand what body-shaming means.