When you read your own writing, does it have a British accent in your head? One thinks it probable.
When you read your own writing, does it have a British accent in your head? One thinks it probable.
I agree and take pictures. We lost a very close family friend a couple of years ago to a very aggressive cancer. There were only about three months between diagnosis and death. My daughter was an infant then and we realized we had no pictures of them together, so we made sure we got some good ones, so that she could…
Mine would come to the door in only a nightshirt and do a mini can-can routine when the bus pulled up. She also used to run through wal-mart crowing that she was the “teal power ranger.” Still refuses to pay my therapy bills.
That's really funny. And at least you know your neighbors meant well.
What? How is it better to remove all doubt than to raise some suspicion? People have to cancel appointments all the time, btw. You just have something come up at work and need to reschedule for the next week.
Cheer up! People are slowly crawling out of the grey caves, one by one. If we're good, maybe we will be out soon.
Spread the word that anyone arrested should not say anything except: "I want to talk to a lawyer." Donate to the National Lawyers Guild or the ACLU, who provide free representation to fight these events. Find out if anyone is handling any of these cases yet and volunteer to do online research. Non-lawyers can help…
"Fuck you, 2014." —Malaysia Department of Tourism (I get to use this quote way too much).
My skin is crawling, I have goosebumps and I probably won't sleep tonight.
1. I live in the Deep South. I don't care if it's 45 seconds. This pretty much answers through 4. 5. Tire iron, and yes I could bust a window in the front of a van safely. I'm sure you aren't trying to be insulting, but I'm a really good lawyer. They would owe me and I would have a Rule 11 on their lawyer, assuming…
In my state, because this is an offense related to a vehicle, you could prevent her from getting a drivers license until the judgement got paid in full. She'd never (legally) drive again.
For what exactly? IIED?
This is a ridiculous thread. I wouldn't hesitate to break a window and I definitely wouldn't worry about a lawsuit.
I'm a lawyer. I'd break the fucking drivers window as fast as I could get my tire iron out of the trunk.
Exactly. That's why the Harris guy got charged with felony murder; it was the criminal negligence that opened the door for that charge.
Oh, mine hurt. I was screaming and they kept upping the dosage, but it didn't make any difference. Finally, while I was screaming "just put me out!" they did. I went back for another c-section though, the second time I got a spinal block and it was just fine, but I freaked out about being on the operating table a…
My epidural failed during my first c-section. I felt the knife cutting me open, while I was strapped to an operating table. I've got the same issues you mentioned now. It's awful.
The lack of knowledge about organ functions in this thread is scary.
I've got a surgical equipment defense case right now. An elderly woman got dumped onto the floor of the OR while knocked out for surgery and broke her nose. But, she won't settle for less than $600k and that's just not going to happen. We are going to trial on damages only, so this is essentially me.
This exact thing happened to my friend's mom. My friend is one of the top personal injury attorneys in my state, but his mom refused to sue! They did get the hospital to establish a new protocol, but he was pretty disappointed he didn't get to sue.