Admit it, you thought those *9* sentences were pretty good. What's your deal, anyway? Wanna talk about it? We can create a safe space here.
Admit it, you thought those *9* sentences were pretty good. What's your deal, anyway? Wanna talk about it? We can create a safe space here.
I have a hard time believing anyone pays for your opinion, "champ." In any event, here you are volunteering it (presumably while ingesting a bottle of cheap gin). You're clearly smart and I think you probably know a lot about this area of law. Instead of attempting to be Gawker's Insult Generator in Chief and wrapping…
Well, it's no secret that the law has trouble keeping up with technology! It's up to the legislature to change it if they don't like it, but I think there are good reasons to apply it to all ages (although perhaps it would make sense to take away the sex offender status for people under a certain age with a first time…
You are absolutely right. I have a law blog and I'm using this guy for my next post about how not to act like a dick when discussing the law.
1) Were you drinking when you wrote this? The whole point of this is that it is illegal to film someone (a minor) having sex. The statute has already been cited upthread, but since you think you are such a hot shot attorney, you shouldn't have any trouble pulling it in less than a minute or two.
But, they aren't being penalized for having sex with each other. That would be statutory rape. They are being penalized for filming it and distributing it, which is another creature altogether (and even if consensual needs to be drilled into teenagers heads because you can't unring that bell once it gets out there).
Great, we've only got a few more forms to fill out and then we are done. I assume you've got a notary available. If you want to get coffee sometime, let me know and I'll fedex you the interview application. (I'm having too much fun with this.)
I never noticed before, but now that's all I can see.
1. I think you mean "because it was oral." Verbal is written as well.
I was a spanked kid and I wasn't a hitter. But, I don't spank my children, because I know how absolutely ineffective it was on me and how little my parents knew how to handle me once I was too big for spanking to be a viable option.
I don't like that the other commenter phrased it rudely, but "use" would include modification.
You've got to go deeper than that.
You should take a look at Instagram's TOS.
I know of a magic wand that is one-size-fits-all...
That's...a really brilliant idea. Have you requested this franchising opportunity from the powers that be? I will go in with a few people for one.
I dunno...objective intent with threats seems like the better path to me. The only thing that gives me pause is the "silver bullet" case (can't remember the style off of the top of my head) where it really did just seem like a misunderstanding.
Atta girl.
And being bipolar doesn't mean that I don't know better than to attack someone.
My daughter always wants to play "hide the sink." I'm never correcting her.
My three year old is on my it safe to watch?