
Thank you! I was about to ask.

Employers would probably care if the person they hiring legitimately got those grades. The point is, these systems co-exist to serve different purposes. While they sometimes overlap, there are different timelines, standards, goals, etc. I'm a lawyer, so my perspective is usually skewed towards "of course you call the

Right, so the fact that something that is the subject of an enormous federal investigation and involves lots and lots of schools "seems simple" to you should be a red flag that you are probably missing a lot of the picture. There are lots of good (readily available) articles available on this topic and criminal

Technically, it shouldn't be a substitution. It should be a supplement.

Not just rape. Exam cheating, plagiarizing, etc. could be fraud, but the university has it's own administrative code and procedures set entirely apart from any potential legal action. The same is true for many of those "code of conduct" scenarios. The big difference is a lower standard of proof, no evidence rules,

You know what s/he meant. Don't be mean.

Well, that deserves a healthy dose of WTF.

Well, I thought it was interesting. I worked on a huge airline merger when a lot of the concerns he's talking about were first emerging and it's interesting to me to see how they've played out in real life. I'd happily read a story about an anonymous actor's experience. I read about factory workers too frequently for

I'm guessing you aren't a NPR listener.

I almost never say anything disparaging to another commenter (you can check my history) and make it a point to be kind whenever possible, but holy shit this is the stupidest comment I've read this month. Now, if you tell me you are in sixth grade and learning critical reading skills, I will be happy to retract my

This is a combo of Great Expectations and Weekend at Bernie's. Fun!

A combination of a fundamentalist upbringing and undiagnosed bipolar disorder.

I was married four times by 28. Wore white the first 3, pink the fourth. Oddly, it's been the pink dress wedding that's lasted.

I missed the old Anne too. Her marriage to Gilbert was just so boring at the end, but I've always loved the joy she had in her children. I couldn't bear to think of her having nothing happy in her life. Even though the kids seem to steal her vitality, she was at least in love with them.


Point taken. I should know better than to state things in absolutes.

When I see someone on TV playing a really neurotic personality, I get completely stressed out for/with them. I don't know how accurately it's actually portrayed, but it looks EXHAUSTING. I'm probably too laid back about some things, but at least my DGAF-about-most-things personality is pretty easy to deal with

No, I understand. I'm BPII and I have a grandmother who has truly insane delusions (thinks that I hacked into her computer and sent porn from her email account so she called the cops; note: I don't even know how to hack a microwave and I don't even like porn). These are real problems. Thankfully, in my case, there are

My husband and I have shouted at each other in front of our kid and I feel bad about that, but I don't think one time is probably that big of a deal in the long run. But, I know from experience that having parents who shout frequently is horrible. Same with shoving. One time isn't great, but it probably isn't going to

Stay tuned, because tomorrow one of the designers of one of the dresses (or at least a knockoff) will be here to offer some insight into the fabric's structural integrity and other notable times when similar dresses have been involved in similar incidents.