
To be fair Dodai, I would rate sitting in a bathtub of white cake frosting as minimally a solid B, unless of course it was fucking cream cheese frosting (which is an abomination of cupcakery) in which case it would be the lowest fucking F you could give.

Not all pilots! #notallpilots

Thanks, Cap'n Obvious.

Did anyone say "Mike speaks for all pilots?" If you'd like to contribute, either publicly or anonymously, please email me at Thanks!

that totally makes sense actually. thanks for the reply.

Ha, my brother and sister-in-law as well - she wore a poufy fluffy pink gown, they've been married over 25 years.

I was married four times by 28. Wore white the first 3, pink the fourth. Oddly, it's been the pink dress wedding that's lasted.

I still don't understand how white of all colors stuck as they color to have. I know it was a trend, but most trends end! It must just be the "one off" factor that a wedding dress is. Very extravagant to buy a dress you will only wear once and all that. A colored gown could go elsewhere, but white?

I thought of that immediately! I think that the white dress ship has sailed, but I don't favor them even for a first wedding.

She also threw a lavish party at Versailles. Versailles!

Your last sentence is gutwrenchingly depressing but also quite true.

A lot of that was that LM Montgomery was sick of Anne. She wanted to move on, but Anne was so popular that she relied on her for income to support her sick husband. The reason Anne becomes drained of passion is because LM Montgomery became drained of passion for her, and was faking it.

I really covet Kate Middleton's wardrobe and her baby is adorable and her marriage seems genuinely happy, but I would not want this life. I know people are like, well she can cry herself to sleep with all her tiaras and £'s, but you could not pay me enough to deal with this shit.

Is Solange Knowles actually a black hole? THE ANSWER MAY SHOCK YOU

Don't be ridiculous, everyone knows Marc Jacobs controls both of them.

I hear ya! All my friends thought Josh Hartnett was the shit and I stuck with Affleck. Even as a young teenager and being horrified at him in the Jenny from the Block video (that was traumatising seeing him slap her ass on that boat)

His daughter's attorney was the one who said they thought he was on a reservation, but his wife's attorney said they're out of the country. I'm guessing either Casey's kids think the wife is lying about Casey's whereabouts or they had some reason to think he was in WA before the other attorney spoke up.

Maybe she was under the mind-control of the aliens that took Malaysia Airlines Flight #370!

Oh, my God, this fan fiction: "Maybe he said something like, 'Nice way for a mother to behave.'" Jezebel, if you're going to just indulge in making shit up about celebrities, why not go all the way? MAYBE SOLANGE WAS POSSESSED BY A VENGEFUL GHOST.

as a Delta baggage handler, these comments make me laugh