
I dunno what he’s on but it must be great.

Three hours and nobody came?

Hey...cut him some slack. Some guys never even learn where the button is.

This entire conversation has made me think of that weird part of the movie 28 Days where Sandy B goes to rehab and the rehabbers have to get a horse to lift its leg, then later Sandy does it again and says something about “making my outsides match my insides.”

What’s the confusion? The ‘weird thing’ on that giant ass is just a black coat.

I mean...he does look good in that dress, so...

Tickets to see the original Hamilton cast with my best friend. We were in the last row of the theatre. 600 bucks. I regret nothing.

After my granFanda died, I discovered she had snuck little bits of money into money markets, CD’s and savings accounts in my name since my birth. I was notified of this by her sister via a post card with my first clue (because she made it a treasure hunt). All told she left me 24k. The knowledge of that money, of the

When I was in Australia, there were a lot of bars and restaurants that served bitters. Not sure if it’s the same as what goes in a cocktail, but I enjoyed them.

Carbonated water is indeed useful for mixed drinks. So are bitters, but to date nobody has decided Angostura is a standalone beverage.

This news comes as an udder disappointment to health nuts everywhere.

All I could think about when reading this article was the Vonnegut short story “Harrison Bergeron.” It’s set in a society where everyone must be equal, so everyone’s talents and physical abilities are “handicapped” down to an average level. Smart people’s concentration is broken by intermittent noise in an earpiece,

If I could flip effortlessly like that, I would do it on my way to the bathroom or to refill my drink.

I’m now somehow even more ashamed of the shit I do drunk, because none of it has ever been as awesome as this.

Dude came in, clearly in a bad way, homeless, PAID for his wings, didn’t bug people for change or beg for handouts, and some assholes still had to be nasty and shitty. Not surprised, I am surprised someone stepped up and told the manager to do something about it, the guy was a paying customer, fuck you if you don’t

Why are you really disappointed? Can’t an 80-year-old woman live her life as she choses?

srsly, he was hiding from his “strict” dad....and a relative who he was in contact with on the sly (probably a sibling or cousin) warned him he was about to be trapped by his dad and the law.

Absolutely the same. I did run away as a teen (well, I got kicked out, but I think my parents expected me to be waiting on the front doorstep the next morning, and instead I just walked away) and was homeless for a few months (including sleeping rough for a bit, but mostly crashing on different people’s couches). It