I borrowed their sunscreen from a fried when I forgot mine. I fried.
I borrowed their sunscreen from a fried when I forgot mine. I fried.
I clicked on this because I just had to see how her veganism was relevant.
there are races involving bells? Like to see which cow is fastest?
Their website straight up says that all are welcome, including men who support women’s rights.
So it should be called “The Women’s March (but guys you can come just don’t try to make yourselves the center of attention, and wear a damn shirt)“. Shouldn’t that be obvious?
Mother Nature has ways to just shut that whole thing down, obvs.
Really? Really? Can we ever...EVER stop eating our own? We (progressives) have the biggest single enemy (obvious) to defeat since...Christ I don’t even know who...and we’re still doing this? We’re going to criticize and alienate white people who are late to the party for being late to the party? Now is not the…
Serious answer...YES! I have an app on my phone that tracks your period...and it has a comment section at the bottom...whenever I need a chuckle...I just open the app and read some of the questions in the comment section...because that ALWAYS confirms that we live amongst a bunch of unfortunate folks!
I think a lot of them are young folks and/or people with limited english proficiency...
I think every single one of these are real.
Yes. Yahoo answers is incredibly terrible.
That’s enough internet for today.
Nailed it.
Maybe MAYBE it’s possible that you’re having drunk sex with your girlfriend and while your going at it normally on one of the thrusts your dick comes out and then hit her butt but you don’t know cuz you’re just chugging along and shit now she’s crying and ok it’s honey I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I didn’t even know I…
Bradley Cooper seems a little...spermless to me. Not a virility thing, more like an “inanimate object incapable of reproducing” thing.
Sorry, but that’s all the more reason for me to be disappointed by her softball condemnation of blatant, life-ruining homophobia.
Also calling me an asshole for thinking a gay woman should call a homophobe a homophobe is quite the take.