Money has no gender, race or sex it seems! Good for them.
Money has no gender, race or sex it seems! Good for them.
See this makes me wonder, was she ever trying to pass? Or did she just hang around Black people for long enough that people just started assuming she was Black and she never bothered to correct them?
We need a Lifetime movie to sort this hot-ass mess out. I suggest casting Emma Stone, she’s the only actress who could…
I know a few other commentators have asked this question, but has any of the media coverage addressed the issue of why Jim Bob and Michelle are the ones doing the press tour and speaking out for Josh when he’s a 27 year old man?
There’s no way Martha isn’t growing some organic, heirloom super-weed on her farm somewhere. Probably behind the blueberry pergola.
I AM sorta puzzled that Gawker/Jez decided to carry this particular torch, however. I mean, let’s not mince words - this is a SERIOUS victory for religious freedom in the workplace which isn’t something that normally gets championed here (there’s a reason that Scalia wrote the opinion - it’s one of his big…
Uh WRONG. 15 is the new 30. Get with the fucking times please.
So I take it Jennifer Lawrence or Emma Stone got the role, right?
I just watched Frank in which she does a fantastic job. Sadly it will be remembered as one of her last performances as her advanced age must be making it prohibitively difficult to continue acting.
True that. And I’ve seen a lot of dicks, in person and in pictures.
No. Pastrami is not made with pork. It’s made with beef. That’s why it’s popular in Jewish delis. He had beef ass hands.
He needs to come off it because I had to google who he even is right now.
Wow. So I guess I shouldn’t ask why he’s employing a 17 year old as a legal secretary?
RIGHT? My first thought was, “hot damn, that is some Jeffersonian shit right there.” I’m horrified and amazed. Horrimazed. Amazified. I don’t know.
Why is it not in sepia tone, though?
Aaaaand.....I bet he campaigns on being the second coming of Thomas Jefferson. Without any sense of shame. GAH
yeah, if the Kylie-Tyga relationship is messed up, her’s definitely is and even if any of it was partly her idea, there should have been at an adult around to stop it, like I have a hard time imagining that if she had an adult in her life who was truely looking after her best interests, her career would exist
BREAKING NEWS: (Some) Guys Like to Take Dick Pics And Post Them So Others Can See Them Online!
She’s saying:
I’ve found that putting the top up in a bun and letting the bottom dry completely before putting down the top helps with the specific problem the author was describing.