I cannot tell you the number of times dumbasses would come to my makeup counter and just slap on a lipstick or eyeliner without sterilizing it first.
I cannot tell you the number of times dumbasses would come to my makeup counter and just slap on a lipstick or eyeliner without sterilizing it first.
between Sephora and Usher, herpes is having a real break out moment.
From what I can tell, the tabloids weren’t just pointing out incorrect things she said, they were editorializing her into - as the article above says - a “serial liar”. Seems like it’s the difference between reporting that I am 31 pounds overweight, ordered two sandwiches at lunch yesterday, and only left a $1 tip at…
Hourly retail? Sure. Commissioned retail? Could be a vastly different experience depend on what you’re selling, where you’re selling it, and your hustle.
When I worked at a Saxone concession in a Burtons in about 1988, if anyone phoned in a bomb threat, our unbreakable-by-the-customers code was “Mr Bombay is in the shop.”
Those are quotation marks, and yes you are correct because you are quoting a phrase, not writing a full quoted sentence that ends in a question.
How does that employee meeting even work? Who wouldn’t be horrified by that discussion?
I met Joe Walsh in a Colonial cafe outside of Elgin Community College during my lunch break some years back. I thought I recognized him and asked, “are you Joe Walsh?”
When the story first broke and they were bleeping everything, my mother called me to ask what all the bleeped out words were, since she doesn’t use the internet. It was a milestone in our relationship, me talking to her about pussies and ass and tits. Proud mother-daughter moment.
I hope GM drops a press release right on their fuckin heads for this.
We may never know, to be honest, and it’s probably going on right now still. Idk why people are so shocked. Prostitution and Hollywood have gone hand in hand since forever. So many actresses since before the golden age were also escorts and sugar babies for powerful business men and producers, and a lot of them were…
“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”
Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.
Guys come on! It’s true.
I am in love with this show. I love it even more because it seems like a love letter to Atlanta and I’ve lived 20 minutes north of Atlanta since I was 10 so I get all the references and that makes it even funnier. I like the almost dreamy way that it’s shot. I thought the Flo Rida story scenes were hilarious and I…
Yesterday was a freak show of thunderstorms all over the South. I have never had a lightning strike defeat a surge protector before, but my cable modem AND my Ooma Telo both got fried. Also, I regret to inform you that Delta was using my modem to run their flight network. I'll be taking the bad unit up to Charter…
There's an ad between EVERY COMMENT on mobile. Get it the fuck together.
I’m the uk ‘fatal error’ would mean that something was irretrievably fucked up. It's a perfectly normal phrase. Do Americans not use it like that?
I’m Company A. Let’s Call Me RocketSparkleMoving. Company B is RocketSparkleMoversLLC.
Company B is a crappy company that robs people, trashes their stuff and screams at customers.
People go online looking to leave a bad review. The Type in RocketSparkle and my name comes up first. They write a review, not…
“Frank’s posted a plot-thickening, grammatically unfortunate statement.”