Jennifart Rhymes With Hennifart

Dx a raging case of it this morning. Bummer. I wish more women were aware of the signs and symptoms. Perhaps the WH could devote a week to it? :

I am not surprised by Scott’s inability to accept any responsibility... it’s all “He’s spinning out of control because of all the Kourtney shit.” I am fairly certain (by which I mean absolutely positive) he has contributed a skid mark or ten to that relationship, too. What a twat. And I don’t like the Kardashians at

Here’s your pass to heaven.

Katie Holmes, I heard.

I want a hand, how cute are those?! I would name it Hamburger Helper.

Anyone know the colors, products, and techniques for this look? Obviously I don’t expect perfect recall, but I suck at accurately pulling these colors out of the air correctly, and I understand many of the things may have been discontinued or changed. Basically, approximately what colors, tools, product, and technique

Yet still a better reason to have one than because some old, religious zealot man said so.

So annoying! The presumptive way they stake out those concentrations. Gah. Reminds me of when I was younger and thought of something funny, said it aloud, no one heard but a more loud, more cool person nearby who would repeat it loudly and get all the LOLs. Felt like fucking Cyrano those days.

Nice to meet you, I’m Jennifart. My oldest son is 16 and the son in question is 11. Not Mormon, I defected as a pregnant teenager. :P

“sometimes i star myself”

Kids, lol. My son named his fish Winston, Ray, Venkman, Spengler, and Joseph Smith.


What pisses me off is, I have two reddit accounts. If that’s not enough, consider I post on one “out” as a (cis)woman, mom, wife. Just add water, society approved. On the other, I am genetically ambiguous. I use both accounts in all the different maths and science subs. Obvious woman account? Ignored or downvoted.

That stuff can be a huge mind fuck. I’m so sorry. I read a post in here months ago where someone had just never had dental care growing up and by the time they reached adulthood and could try for themselves, they found they were so in over their head. Like, they expected dental insurance to be enough to get whatever

names: it was a gray Pound Purry I named “Kitty”. Gray, about the size of a standard house cat but much lighter since it had fluff instead of bones and muscles, etc. No real good tales about her. Just loved her.

Mine always says, “pat, don’t scratch.”

Damn it. Hurts.

Nope, I have lovsed every word I ever posted. Gilded some of them. Bronzed others. Had them sky written from time to time. Tatted them on me. Named my children for my words.

It’s all the horcruxes she’s making...

I love that she pointed out the “checkered pasts” of those grody-chodies. They have no real credence in the eyes of anyone with any amount of intelligence and tenability. And she’s 100% right, this is going to happen to any woman who demands respect from a man and/or who holds any power over man. Can’t let that