Jennifart Rhymes With Hennifart

Much too young! That’s so sad.

Ha, and a quick google offered these two headlines, back to back: “Fatty Liver Raises Risk of Death”, followed by, “Fatty Liver Does Not Increase Risk of Death”, lol. Gotta love it! I’ll look harder later.

Usually that cause is differentiated as non-alcoholic fatty liver.

Yes, but we aren’t all lucky enough to be whatever a lizard’s tail is made of. Keith Richards just regenerates an entirely new set of organs as needed.

They also splash pee on themselves.

They are. Because you can typically tell from the start when someone is set in their opinion and unwilling to budge on that and you know not to waste your time. But some are so good at ‘concern trolling’ (never heard that before but love it) that you think you have a chance to make a positive impact on someone’s

What?! Holy shit.

For people who claim they want poor people working to “earn” welfare, they sure are putting up a lot of obstacles to prevent just that...

And if the federal money is being distributed to the states for the states to disperse in state tax refunds, what happens to people in states like FL, where there are no state income taxes? What distribution method would this default to?

Of course his middle name is “Beauregard”. It was either going to be that or Cletus.

Jesus Christ.

Aaaaand this is exactly why I adore the people on Jez. After reading the thread in its entirety, he was compared to a muppet 2 or 3 other times. <3

That infamous picture of him lifting weights with the backward red cap is the mental image that always manifests when I hear his name and that picture has always made me think he looks like a generic Tickle Me Elmo.

Percentage of Marines involved that took action against this disgusting shitshow: 0.00003%

I’m sorry if I implied I was content with him running the country. I was trying to just express how bizarre this has all been. Infuriating, frustrating, appalling, sad, shocking... all those things, too. But definitely his whole rise to power has been the stuff of nightmares or a supremely bad trip.

I think the red blob and the guy who said everyone sends nudes and there should be a reasonable expectation of privacy that those won’t be shared with others are different people. I could be wrong, though, red blob could be anyone!

On the right, they will call out this type of behavior as only “locker room” shenanigans, if precedence holds...

And any that are recipients of disability or retirement from the military deserve to take a hit, too, if that’s the only way they suffer any consequences.

There are few pleasures in life as simple yet joyful as a brand new crayon or colored pencil.

The red blob’s tweet is manna. (S)he wasn’t having any of it.