That's true. We do discourage the extreme yelling on teh inter webs since we don't want to disturb the sleeping of teh kittehs.
That's true. We do discourage the extreme yelling on teh inter webs since we don't want to disturb the sleeping of teh kittehs.
That's because Mr I is clearly a Bears fan. All Bears fans see orange and blue in EVERYTHING.
WHAT?! Team Bi-Petual can haz all teh sads. 😢 we loves everyone!
Listen, I don't think enough people are talking about my cat.
We adopted a cat today! He's a handsome, 8-year-old, all black CAT-erpillar. Heh heh heh.
This might be weird, but I'm actually a lot more relaxed about my wedding in 6 weeks than I was before I read all those comments.
I absolutely hate people staring at me but now I'm really looking forward to my bachelorette party in a few weeks. My SIL planning it seems really excited so I'm sure it will be awesome.
i have come here (ridiculously late, but hey, I moved to a new country!) just to say that I recently experimented and put Brussels sprouts on a pizza (FOR SCIENCE) and it was fucking delicious.
I want to do an expat post!!! I'm in Australia!!!! Eeeeeeeee!
Franzen definitely missed the point and sounds like a huge douche, but honestly Jennifer Weiner... She's not the kind of author I enjoy reading. This is coming from a person who still reads those "Shopaholic" books and devoured the five new "Sweet Valley" books a few years back.
Well, poop has to start somewhere.
No, but I do love me some NZ foods. Mmmm. I'm heading to Melbourne. =)
Hahah thank you. It's a pain in the ass moving somewhere you can't actually drive to, you know? Like… why did I do this? Why can't I choose an easy life?
It looks like a jar of Nutella and a giant box of Fruit by the Foot. ><
Lol thank you! I will try to not get eaten by sharks or trampled to death by stampeding kangaroos or murdered by ravenous drop bears. If I survive the whole "packing and moving" part of the trip.
More like a reverse rectum… bowel? Large intestine? Small intestine?
I never need to worry about finding a pick-me-up after a shitty day- I can always come here. Except not HERE, specifically, because that tongue is fucking TERRIFYING.
The best part of my entire day has been reading ALL of the comments attached to this article. The worst use of my time, for sure, but honestly the best part of my day.
HI!!! I have not been around much. Mostly because I'm trying to pack and move and I officially have less than one week to… pack and move, and since I've accomplished exactly NOTHING on my to-do list, I could use an intervention. And/or some help. Also a large group of hardworking yet extremely careful creatures to…