Full snort laughter. You win.
Full snort laughter. You win.
I just saw it again and I SHUDDERED. LITERALLY.
WHAT… HOW… WHY??? WHY??? WHY????????
Technically the country to which I am moving is quite literally not "next door" to any other country. It is, however, its very own continent.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha… (etc, forever, times infinity).
Goddammit, I knew that I forgot to do something important this weekend. Besides pack the contents of MY ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE to send them to THE MOST EXPENSIVE AND DANGEROUS FUCKING COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. Mr Caterpillar is one fucking lucky bug, is what I am saying. Also, does anyone want to come help me move?? (I have…
Dear Kate Sanders,
Well, most of the laws that effect us in our day to day lives are made at the state and local level- school boards are a great example of this. They can dictate what children are taught and what books are available to them. Most states have laws in place that say that kids cannot be taught anything but abstinence…
It's not really that slim. Take a look at all the states where it's almost impossible to get an abortion.
Heh heh heh.
The seemingly unending list of blowhards that are "investigating" a run for President of the United States is one of the reasons I CAN'T sleep at night. THEY ARE MY NIGHTMARES.
Mmmmm…. Now I want hotdogs. Mmmmm hotdogs…
I'm not surprised, but damn… I LIKED Top Chef. I haven't seen it in five years, but man.
I volunteer! I volunteer to eat all the pizza!
I think I just had an orgasm. *shivers* Mmmmmmm….
I love my Spanx for one reason- sometimes, when I am extra lazy, I don't want to shave my legs, but I want to wear a dress. Spanx are (at least the ones I have) slightly thicker than regular nylons so they don't show my prickly leg hair, and they seem to be immune to my clumsiness- no runs AT ALL for the last three…
Well now I'm just sad.
I… I peed a little.