Very Hungry Jennibeth-erpillar

That girl is my hero of the week. That is AWESOME. You go, McKenna!!! You are incredible- and for the sake of humanity, please let Dick's have a legitimate look at their advertising practices and have a heartfelt and good response.

Oh my god, this was the best. I'm in love. Also, I'm 95% sure I have those exact same sunglasses.

WHAT??? He can't expense the hot dog he got??? Man, Jez is really tight with their money.

I know I'm late to the party, but it is going to be super hard to get copies of "Scary Stories to tell in the Dark" as you once knew it. So keep that in mind, if any of you want a copy and don't have it already, you might want to start hunting used book stores. It's definitely not the same book. =(

Please invite me to your wedding. I want that. That sounds like… PERFECTION.

You completely missed Kat's point. You missed it completely. It's like, 50 miles south of you. That's how far off-base you are. Telling people, no matter their age, that verbal abuse is ok as long as you don't escalate into physical violence is why people who have been bullied and verbally abused are so ashamed to

Um… No. Nope. Nopeitty nope nope nope. What? Nope.

A poorly written, poorly edited, disturbingly thoughtless (or over-thought?) essay on… clichés you should never say to teenagers? I'm not sure. The editing and writing was so bad I couldn't. I gave up. Also I hope it's a joke. I hope that I've been gone from Jez and GT for so long that this is a joke, haha, lulz, oh

All I got from this is I REALLY FUCKING NEED SUSHI RIGHT GODDAMN NOW. Dammit, UberTrout. =P

Um. You win. That is fucking awesome.

Exactly what I was thinking. What the hell kind of law is that??

I still say you came out ahead. There are MILLIONS of upper-middle-class white women foaming at the mouth with jealousy over your track pants.

That is one thing I LOVE about the place I work- we get day groups of developmentally delayed adults in nearly every single weekday (I think there are a couple groups that come twice a week, which is great) and everyone who works at our store is- if not fiercely protective of them, then at least WAY more tolerant of

WOOHOO!!! *Happily goes back to reading The School for Good and Evil*

Wow, way to be an asshole and totally miss my point. Because clearly I'm an idiot who has never ventured outside my cave dwelling.

Mmmmm chemicals. THAT'S WHAT I LIKE IN MAH MEAT.

Jesus Christ. I'm so glad my crappy reality TV viewing is relegated to Dance Moms and Say Yes to the Dress. I get enough crap about endometriosis not being real from my actual doctors, I don't need to hear it from the people paid to entertain me, as well.

Best. Recap. EVAR.

This is… my favorite thing. Ever. On earth. I don't even care what other people have to say today, IT WILL NOT BE AS GOOD AS THIS. NOTHING WILL EVER BE AS GOOD AS THIS.

Best. Thing. EVAR.