
I once liked "Cox" on Facebook. Showed up on everyone's News Feed as "Joe likes Cox".

You know nothing.

Nice to see Jon Snow getting some time off from the Wall.

After his breakout from the bathroom, everyone told him "It's all downhill from here!" He just figured they meant the course.

"Is not bear. Is stray beagle local authorities rescue and lovingly bathe with fine local tap water."

I feel dirty for laughing at your joke. Fuck You.



So basically Tron with bobsleds?

So if I have this right, in terms of shiftiness, it's: Giant Slalom < Super G < Slalom < my lazy piece of shit cousin Nick, get a job already you fucking bum

"Fuckin' noobs. If you really wanna burn Shaun White, all you gotta do is rise."

A thin, transparent facade that barely conceals the grim skeleton of false promises and dashed hopes?

The Philly Art Museum had a tarp over one of its facades not too long ago, during renovations. The differences being there was a usable building behind it, and Philly wasn't three days away from opening ceremonies.


Hey, worldly jackasses posting on here. This is 'Merica.

I like how this DA thinks. Even if he/she turns out to be wrong about the SOL on the older victim (I would be shocked if the younger victim isn't within the statute), an aggressive stance on child sexual abuse is the right thing.