
What hockey games did these events take place after?

To the “but what about the menz” idiot that replied to me: get a grip.

“My dog ate my integrity”

“God damn, that is a fucked up way to die.”

I’m certain you’re not right on at least one of those. Uwe Boll, though, does torture us all.

Seriously, him saying he would destroy the records before giving them to a deportation task force made me reel. we need more people talking like this.


I feel so fucking awful for Obama. Imagine being him right now? You spend eight years doing all this shit, doing your fucking best and being inclusive and loving while still trying to keep everyone safe. You have great approval ratings (now at least). You have a beautiful family and, aside from speculation that

I love that this guy looks at his fat hairy face in the mirror each morning and thinks he’s better than people based simply on his skin tone. What a fucking joke.

I am channeling my inner Toby Ziegler.

i like her as a brunette, its flattering.

I have hope about many things, Donaldl Trump being a thoughtful leader of a very divided country is not one of them.

We’re not done with her yet? She’s still a Republican strategist who helped create this mess. But we like her because she came out against Trump?

Good Afternoon,

If you lived in NYC, you would know that Donald Trump is always booed. At the US Open, boos. At the Knicks Game, boos. On the street, boos. He has been hated by the people of his hometown long before he ever started his hate-filled campaign.

Apparently she got into an argument with her assailant before the incident. Local news affiliates are saying the woman in custody has a history of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

You know who scares the shit out of me? The wild gesticulators. Like, how fucking stupid do you have to be to suddenly thrust your arm into the air while telling your stupid story on a crowded train platform? I swear, more than people who suddenly stop walking in pedestrian traffic, more than the four-across “Melrose

Hey guys - is there any room to fit “collection of menstruating waterheads” under the banner on the Jez main page? It would be a shame to lose such a quality clap-back to the ether.

I am short selling my Trump Trade (NYSE:UGH) stock anyway. I think the “Grab her by the pussy” T-shirts are a reactionary fad not a long term investment.

This can’t be the first time these words have been said.