
I’m incredibly old, and I remember well that my friends and I watched American Bandstand religiously (mostly on my best friend’s TV, which was a huge, clumsy, black-and-white cabinet set, an RCA if I’m remembering correctly—this was back in the day, when TV stations signed off late at night and came back on with the

“Drew’s good with me.

Okay now I really need them to confirm Elsa as canonically queer in Frozen 2 so she can technically be first. Cause “Disney’s first canonically queer character is a sad sack fool who pines after the poster boy for toxic masculinity” is miserable. Queer kids need role models, not laughing-stocks.

So LeFou is Tony Randall in every movie he made with Rock Hudson & Doris Day?

We truly are living through the golden age of the man child, aren’t we?

I know you dumb fucks are upset that we see that you are dumb fucks, and we think that you are dumb fucks, and we call you dumb fucks, and we don’t agree to validate your ignorance and coddle your prejudice, and some people think we’re not supposed to call you dumb fucks “dumb fucks” anymore, but I’m old school. You

Just ask Boaty McBoatface.

Ah, the plinky piano of contemplation.

That article was such a piece of garbage, and I completely agree that it was the classic lazy journalism approach of finding someone, somewhere with a different point of view and manufacturing a conflict within a movement.

But as others have mentioned, the dissent is on record and it is becoming clear that these fools are deeply unqualified. It’s not a great outcome, certainly not one we hope for because you’re right in the respect that probably nothing will change at the outset and that’s disappointing and infuriating, but saying

OK, hang on. I’m of Indian origin too. Two words: Narendra Modi. Are you kidding me? The guy incited bloody riots that actually resulted in deaths.

Apparently, you aren’t the only one:

Me reacting to every name on this list:

Just add: “Squat every day--if you can’t afford free weights, attach a plate to each end of Peggy Noonan.”

.... the Aristocrats!

Yeah, I usually avoid ad hominem attacks in favor of critiques on the substance, but this article screams that it was written by someone with no expertise in intel, cyber security, or government in general.

But the declassified report contained no information about how the agencies had collected their data

Having been an unpaid intern answering the phones at a Senator’s office before....

Now playing

Here’s her heart warming Christmas Episode