“Sick burn!”
“Sick burn!”
Shut ‘er down boys, this is as good as it gets. Thanks to everyone that showed up to this comment section, we’ll see you next time.
Too soon!
“Robert E. Lee” came in second.
So Donald Trump gets the most votes and now the authorities are working to prevent him getting the nomination?
Well, I hear ADHD is almost nonexistent at Hitler Schools.
If he had been asked to describe his meals or garb that day it would have been 4 pages long.
Give me GRRM’s email address, or it didn’t happen
Sanderson probably already has his own drafts ready to go.
But, has he written anything on these pages?
There are no purity tests, only deal breakers, Plato. For me, voting to invade Iraq, or being against marriage equality are deal breakers, to you, having voted against the Brady bill is a deal breaker. Who are you to tell me that my deal breaker is less important than mine? Just because no one passes the “purity” test…
I’m not risking anything. I’m voting for the Democratic nominee no matter who it is,so calm down. I don’t think she’ll be a good president if she wins the nominee but I think the GOP choices are WORSE.
Dude or dudette:
If you haven't heard a word from a Bernie supporter about his stance on guns, hear one now. I think it's horrible and tragic and shameful. There's no way at all to justify his position. It's shameful. I have no idea what he was thinking, and it makes me both furious and disgusted. All of that, when weighed against…
Sir, would you vote for someone who voted against something you believe in very strongly?
I think that as a congressperson one of your most important jobs is to vote on whether or not to invade/ war with other countries. If you fuck that up, I’m not sure what sort of nuance I’m supposed to allow for here. I personally refuse to vote for any politician who voted to invade as others might for politicians…
Its zealotry to decide that people who voted for an illegal war shouldn’t be elected to office again a few years later?
Voting for Iraq was a massive mistake with profound consequences. It should be scrutinized. There was enough information to take a more prudent stance on authorizing a pre-emptive military action: Bush did not make the case that Iraq was an imminent threat to the United States, even then, and then he proceeded over…
I don’t understand why you think we should forgive these people, but I will defend to the death your right to think so.
The worse part was how many stars and positive replies it got from Clinton supporters.