Jenga Tower of Human Turds

Tits and dragons are the only thing that get me out of bed in the morning. Call me what you will, I live a life of no regret.

They make you do a purity test if you are a woman joining the Malaysian military. That is why I am against purity tests. I will also vote for any mass murderer with a “D” next to their name because the other side is all Hitlers and if you don’t vote for the murdering Democrat you might as well be voting for a bunch of

This guy is my boyfriend. He forgives me every time I get drunk and drive my car through the living room wall like the Kool-Aid man, which is constantly. Hey, nobody’s perfect.


Don’t blame the voters, blame the candidate for not energizing them. If your restaurant goes out of business, there are a lot of people to blame, but you can’t blame the customer that refuses to buy shitty food.

She has to stay liberal if she wants to hang on to Bernie supporters (the ones that would stay home if their guy lost, which I’m not convinced are that numerous). She isn’t going to peel off right wing votes and she’s going to throw the election away if she tries.

But misandry doesn’t exist.

I don’t understand any of this. Video games are for kids! Why are adults getting all bent out of shape about a childrens hobby? You never see this sort of thing in the Nerf community.

They should have her act in one of those mo-cap rigs and CGI artists can make an animated Asian avatar. CGI is getting very good at looking realistic and lifelike. The technology is all there.

Sometimes when a writer is let go they ungrey everyone on their way out. Its bitter sweet.

I was one of those assholes you used to see running around and doing cartwheels in Havel’s set before they nerfed the ring.

I could draw a map of Anor Lando from memory, I spent so many hours getting my ass kicked there. Stockholm Syndrome made it my favorite part of the game.

I don’t think I’ve ever beaten them without a helper or Solaire.

When I first picked up Dark Souls a friend gave me this advice: “Try hitting everything and kill the dogs first.”

This will probably be the same problem any Democratic president will face. Republicans aren’t going to play nice with Clinton.

I know you are the tomato troll but I’d like to point out that Bernie is surprisingly tall, 6'9", but his slouch makes him look much smaller. When he’s able to fully stretch out in his inverted sit-up harness he looks like a tyrannosaur.

That’s a real nice opinion you got there, it would be a real shame if someone was to, say, BREAK IT [forces you to read the comic and you actually enjoy it. The foundation on which you base your shitty ideas is destroyed. Your worldview becomes larger and you become a better person in general. You stop saying shit