Your entire post history screams of you being apart of something like Gamergate or wishing you had the balls to be.
Your entire post history screams of you being apart of something like Gamergate or wishing you had the balls to be.
I have an overpowering need to know what Nicki wore. Please do not disappoint me, o Internet.
She didn’t promote child sex, and what you’re referring to was written years before she worked at Nintendo. And she’s never actually said that she’s an escort. It’s what people have trolled long enough to link her to. It reminds me of when people thought the original red ranger was in gay porn simply because one guy…
Don’t forget the part where this woman is actually in favor of keeping localized games intact, including bust sliders and not completely distorting writing/context during localization.
Not only that, but they picked someone to blame for the toning down of sexualized content in localized releases of games who, after all the digging is done, turns out to be in favor of the sexual content people were complaining was being edited out. Regardless of her position having no impact or influence of the…
you forgot 6) the part where they began to dig up information on a journalist writing about the whole situation
When I was in HS in the 90s if we wanted the Japanese titties we just went to the video store and rented anime. And lamented the censorship. And that was that. People are fucking ape these days.
That sums up the whole situation and puts a nice little bow on it.
So....just to make sure I’m clear, there are real actual human beings who:
I don’t know, it seems like things like Swatting tend to come up more with video game streamers and companies than anything else.
If Nintendo received evidence of Rapp’s second job from her harassers, they should have ignored it, even if it would normally have been grounds for dismissal, on the Fruit Of The Poisonous Tree principle.
My sympathies, Patrick. This is obviously a tricky topic for a reporter to cover fully and accurately, and I’m sorry that deranged individuals have decided to attack you (and your family) because they disagree with your coverage decisions.
Meanwhile, Rapp has reported that harassment against her has intensified. This past weekend, Rapp tweeted about her family getting hassled, their phone numbers and home addresses magically appearing online, and one individual claiming they’ve filed a police report, hoping investigators would knock on her door.
Women should also avoid spaces where men are likely to be present, because men may strike at any time, especially if provoked. A man who is about to strike will raise himself into an intimidating posture and then shake the rattle on his tail in order to warn away a woman who he sees as a potential target.
Mark did it and it was very cool.
Big fan of how he attacks her for being in a coffee the same time he was in the coffee shop.
Running those silver knights over and over made me a parry master in DS1
It’s actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it—