
How long until he told you he was also Edge?

Yeah, I remember Michael Phelps’ coach getting all the credit for his medals. Oh, wait...

That's not what's happening here.

That might be true. It just seems so absurd that people actually believe Hillary Clinton would be in the same position she is currently in if she hadn’t been First Lady. They think it’s just a coincidence that the likely first ever female President also happens to be the wife of a former President?

Can we agree that it’s unlikely Hillary Clinton would have been a Senator or Secretary of State if she wasn’t married to Bill?

Men who throw/hit/kick things when they’re angry scare the shit out of me. All I can imagine is being alone in a room with someone like that, and how I would feel if they lost their temper.

“We have a bunch of talented, creative females, but they reach a certain point in their careers ...”

That just sounds like a whole bunch of fake flattery. The Dems have not held the House since, what, 1994? And they haven’t held the Senate since what, 2010? We need a chair who can actually get Dems into down-ticket offices.

I am right there with you. Bernie supporter who will vote for Hillary in November. He ran as a Dem, dems voted for him in the primary, so the job of the DNC is to remain unbiased and they failed at that by purposely undermining his campaign. So she deserves every last ‘boo’

I think it should piss you off whether you voted for him or not, as it was indeed shitty.

Exactly why she should’ve just sat out of the convention. This isn’t going to help Hillary.

If it’s such an absurd idea that the DNC remain neutral in the primaries, why would the DNC explicitly write said neutrality into their rules?

Okay lol here

Her record in Congress was fucking odious and completely out of touch with what Democrats care about. How can you head the DNC while supporting payday lenders that prey on the poor, thinking corporate campaign contributions are great for democracy, open Internet is bad for democracy, among other horrible and contrary

There was an email about how they should use Sanders’ lack of religion against him in the Southern state saying that, “My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.”

You think a prominent US senator qualifies as a unknown politician?

Also, you would hope that the Democratic Party would be on the side of “who gives a fuck if he’s an atheist- will he be a good leader”. You can be a Christian shitheel, and atheists can be good people, but this is casting him as “sneaky Jewish man who really doesn’t believe in anything, ooh look at the heathen!” for a

I mean look, I also think this leak that is mostly a tempest in a teapot, but let’s not pretend that Bernie Sanders was “an unknown politician.” Everyone at the DNC knew very well who he was and the person who wrote that specific email about trying to cast him as an atheist has already apologized and agreed it was

There’s no argument from the Democratic party for why she decided to deregulate that particular industry. I don’t understand Wasserman-Schultz’s overwhelming support among Jezzies. In the end, they’ll stay loyal to her, even if it means letting the DNC sponsor a few more bills that shaft America’s poor in the most

She needs to go just for getting in bed with the parasites in the payday-loan industry.