
Fuuuuuuck surprises. If that thing is supposed to be glued to my hand for the rest of my life, I’d damn well like some input as to what it looks like. How would this boy ever know that the ever-popular white gold makes me look clammy as hell?

How does no one intervene here?! I can’t imagine these guys drop that cash/even make the decision to do so without confiding in a family member or friend.

This needs so many more stars

my ears are ringing

The thing is, someone has to sit down and make each individual 3D model before it can be printed, and most current machines can only make one thing at a time (hopefully that part will improve in the future!). Compared to a mega machine that cranks out thousands of Barbies at once, that’s a big reason why these dolls

Except that in this case, he’s already turned down multiple attempts at settlement. That’s one of the things his suit mentions, that she’s been trying to get a massive settlement (7 million + promising to stop going to the media) for a long time. His camp sees that as extortion, since there is no evidence against him.

Reminds me of the time I (female mechanical engineer) was cut at the last round to speak at a TEDx conference in favor of a dude talking on, I shit you not, “Guitar Awareness”. My topic? The challenges faced by young women and girls interested in engineering, and how to help beat that system. There were no female

I was pretty clearly speaking about the screen capped pictures the woman posted, showing Facebook activity of the march’s organizers. The ones that were racist and sexually questionable (using the n-word, naked girls under a blanket, “21 to drink, 18 to sleep over”, etc.). I certainly would be upset if frat bros who

You don’t think it might be frustrating to the women that were previously disrespected by that frat, and who also work hard all the time on campus to raise awareness about sexual assault, when that frat decides to prop itself up as an authority on the topic? To set themselves up for questions or interviews? Sure, the

She wasn’t generalizing the whole group using those posts. Those were posts made by the four men specifically responsible for organizing the march against sexual assault.

Seriously dude? You were being diminutive in your question, essentially asking why all these silly ladies with their air-filled ladybrains want pointless rocks, while implying that all women feel the same way about diamonds. The reason behind some women’s desire to own diamonds (status symbol, as I explained above)

Do you really think men don’t also pay out the ass for status symbols? Sure, for many women this is in the form of diamonds, but can anyone actually observe a functional difference between a nice department store watch and a Rolex? It’s all the same thing.

the entire concept of flygirl (where this was posted...) is that it’s fueled by guest submissions by interesting people. that plus a cursory glance at the other comments/actual reading of the article would have informed you that this was not written by someone on jez staff.

lol you know this is a guest post, right? like her band is kind of a big deal to certain people

I get what you're saying about fake girl power, but don't drag down the riot grrrls!! Those are two very different things.

We've definitely reported it to multiple authorities in the past few days, so it's too soon to see whether or not that will be taken seriously. The thing that really bothers me is that there isn't a way to see who took the original videos/actually is committing assault. You can tell it's the same person/people, but so

I'm probably too late/too gray for anyone to see this, but my university is having a similar problem right now and we have no idea what to do about it, because it's on snapchat. There's an aggregator account with a university-themed name that snaps horrible photos and videos of everything from revenge porn to straight

Also am I the only one to think his constant smug expression makes his face look extraordinarily punchable? I don't know anything about his personality (except that he claimed to never have heard Tom Petty's "Won't Back Down"- like, yeah right - when he had to give him song writing credit for "Stay With Me") but man

At least now he's watched the video, so he's cleverly switched to saying she was kicking him out of frame. So, above and beyond the kind of hard evidence he needs to get away with it.

Wow, that's really interesting! Thanks, I'll be sure to pass that along!