She’s rolling in her grave. Also, while we’re criticizing WaPo, their coverage of Bernie was just the worst.
She’s rolling in her grave. Also, while we’re criticizing WaPo, their coverage of Bernie was just the worst.
Your political system asks its participants to tear each other down for a year, in public.
More progressive than Sanders and Warren? Who? Booker? We’ll see how far that takes us in four years.
I think it’s worth saying. Taking them for granted was their greatest hubris in this election.
Who really knows, his socialist leanings could have cost him just as many votes as his appeal to the working class. At the very least he would’ve gotten people fired up to actually get to the voting booths.
Of course Bernie would have won; does anyone doubt that Bernie would have kept the working class white men in Ohio, WI, PA and Michigan that voted for Obama twice but then switched to Trump? WI, PA & MI were the whole ballgame and they’re Bernie territory. We could have had President-elect Sanders instead of that fat,…
What a good guy. I voted for Clinton (because I’m not a fucking idiot) but I always loved Bernie. I think that this optimism and this encouraging idea that we need to push forward for what is right, is exactly what many of us need right now.
Godspeed Bernie.
Maybe someone can also roast that fucker Dolan, too. He is no better, Mr. I- will-spend-ungodly-(in all senses of the word) amounts-of-money-to-block-legislation-that-would-extend-the-statute-of-limitations-for-sex-abuse-survivors. NY has a surprisingly short SOL of just 5 years for both criminal and civil cases, and…
I don’t argue that the pretty ones are done by people with too much time on their hands, but plenty of busy people have planners, and that’s pretty much all a bullet journal is.
Did you read the article? Beth talks about how her journal is nothing like the ones seen on Instagram and Pinterest. You can make it what serves you best. Being organized doesn’t have to be only for people with time on their hands.
To be fair, I think it’s young people (at least that’s who I’ve seen on Instagram) who do have a lot of free time and this is their hobby instead of like, playing Xbox all day. I mean, if you want one of those young people to help you folding laundry, hire ‘em.
She plays up the baby doll look and its weird, IMO. When we go out, she always attracts older men. Eeeeee, I am skeeved out again and we havent hung out in hot minute
Oh no what
I havr a friend who looks like ariana and does the same thing. We are in out fucking thirties. You dont have to wear white knee highs and mary janes to work.
nah she markets herself to look younger. i dont think she looks SO young- it’s the clothes, hair and makeup to look like a ‘lolita’ that make us think she looks like a baby
Bang on. People are selfish and feel that getting to their destination is more important than you getting to your destination.
Here’s what I do... I can’t afford a $300 speeding ticket, so I only go as fast as the limit. Period.
1. In this situation, you generally do not need to move over. You’re not in the “passing” lane. There is one situation where I think you should , but this is opinion: the lane to your right is at roughly the same speed as you AND you’re blocking a lot of people in your current lane who want to go faster.
2. HOV should…