
what i dont understand is, what is the end game for TayTo?

If your goal is to ‘encourage’ Dems who supported Bernie to make sure Trump doesn’t win by getting on board with HRC, then denigrating and insulting them is not a very effective strategy. Make your case and leave it at that, without rudeness. It’s your best shot.

The year the woman was running? Hillary ran before as have other women.

So, being unfair is not unfair and being the DNC chair means you should more or less openly favor the perceived frontrunner, to make this whole process as undemocratic as possible? Uhmm, got it.

So, you don’t think a major political party, whose constitution requires them to be nuetral during the primary process, working to give an advantage to one candidate over all others is something to be concerned about?

Also, I am wondering, what does a grumpy old lady have to do around here to get ungreyed?

He does, but he wants to push the democratic party to the left.

Well, would be a good start, Miss Reich.

Who cares about what you think.

Why isn’t Donald trump paying for his own security? He knows the best, classiest, most luxurious security people!

Are you serious? In a country where there appear to be mass shootings every other day, you think it is appropriate to complain about the Secret Service protection costs for Sanders? The primaries have ended just a few days ago. You expected the security detail to abandon Sanders and his family immediately afterwards,

because its not already baked into their 2016 budget or anything

Where would that money go if it weren’t paying for a guy forcing Hillary to the left? It’s not like it’d go back in peoples pockets. The way budgets work, the service would just find other ways to spend it to justify spending in the next cycle.

Oh give me a fucking break! How much coin did Hillary’s support for the Iraq War and regime change in Libya and Syria cost the taxpayers? Enough of the sour fucking grapes from the media. 38k is a haircut for Hillary and weave for the Donald. How much taxpayer money went to funding primary elections for the private

FOH with this shit. That’s $0.00013 / day / US citizen. Our taxes pay for more outrageous shit than this; focus your energy on those.

We get it, guys. You don’t agree with sanders still being in the race. Some of us still perceive it as a profoundly important move. The bias is tiring.

Honestly from the get-go it’s felt like Taylor was lying. Yes Kanye is crazy and yes the line is pathetic, but why would he lie about something so easy to disprove? Especially when he’s painted as this scary black monster and she’s literally the archetypal white damsel in distress; whatever ever you say about Kanye he

The support won’t flip overnight, and nor should it. Asking large blocs of voters to switch gears is never an easy process. It’ll take Clinton, Sanders, and (especially) Obama, former Senate colleagues all, some time to stitch this back together.

it’s really annoying seeing white women on twitter chastise this hashtag, considering ww vote democrat nationally at a rate of 52% compared to bw’s 95%. like bw might complain about her through this hashtag, but they’re the ones that are *actually* going to show up.