
I feel like this plus his father's letter should be used as textbook examples of rape culture and how it persists.

It sounds like he is surrounded by a bunch of asshole enablers who have always told him he can do no wrong. So shocking that he ended up as a remorseless rapist.

What the hell is wrong with every person in convicted rapist, Brock Turner’s life?

My point was that the brand of gender/racial identity nonsense that the Times reporter reflected is bad for everyone. I used that example to point it out. Did anyone ask her the same type of loaded question about Obama in 2008? No.

thank you. hillary only stands with white women like lena dunham. not the women of palestine or honduras. people seem to forget she’s not marginalized.

What bothered me is the “standing in the way of history” remark in the reporter’s tweet. Based on that, is Hillary standing in the way of the first potential Jewish nominee?

I agree. They are basically asking, if a male opponent had the lead Hillary does, would you have conceeded by now. And it seems like the answer is simple: No, he wouldn’t bow out then either. Bernie has never been a traditional candidate, and his staying in the race has more to do with his conviction to his beliefs,

I was thinking that the journalist’s question was kind of sexist. Should he just bow out because she’s a woman?

It’s got some serious confirmation bias happening.

he’s won by shifting the conversation in the Democratic party to the left-think about his arguments about social security, banks, public education, etc.

Out of curiosity, was Hillary asked if she was racist for trying to get in the way of the first Black president? I don’t remember that happening but I could have missed it. Has Hillary been asked if she is being anti-Semitic for standing in the way of the first Jewish president?

For real, though, that is an incredibly dumb question.

Well, ya, but that’s the case for every politician. The point is that’s a phenomenal amount of support.

In Vermont, Sanders got almost $10 per capita.

Someone should.

Indeed, it is!

My mother is a nitpicker and underminer. It wouldn’t matter what I did, it was wrong, even if I did take her advice, she’d come back and make me second guess myself.

This is very funny and I am sure we’ve all been there!

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Breaking news, remember the ‘92 campaign with the ‘buy one, get one for free’? Well it’s the same thing all over again, only with the genders reversed. You vote for Hillary, you will also get Bill, for better or for worse.