
I don’t know this Cristen person and I’m sure she’s a lovely human being, but it’s pretty fucking ridiculous to see someone being pretty fucking disappointed that a “feminist website” (that, btw, has repeatedly and explicitly refused to market itself as “feminist”) hasn’t done enough to glorify a fucking wedding that

I’m so glad this is here - I read this announcement this morning and had no one to titter with. That an article about a couple of feminists started off with the gendered phrase “shrinking violet” perfectly set the tone for the rest of the announcement. I couldn’t ever decide if the writer was clueless or just trolling

Having worked more than a few fancy wedding receptions, I don’t think the “lentil brides” description is fair. The more overwrought the ceremony/reception, the less likely the bride seems to enjoy herself at the event. So, yeah, from the guests’ perspective it’s all basically the same — get dressed up, eat, get drunk

It sounds like you’re one of the good ones in the Wedding Industrial Complex, but I’m pretty sure that I read that Halliburton is the largest supplier of wedding flowers and most cake toppers are constructed by Lockheed-Martin.

wedding-industrial complex


There’s always someone on posts like this talking about thrifty (i.e. superior) they were at their wedding but I’ve got you all beat: not getting married saves SO much money!

oh, so this is fine, but my american psycho themed wedding isn’t?

However skinny the so-called skinnies really are is incidental to the story, as is whatever Meghan Trainor’s actual size is. It’s the going on about it that’s fucking tiresome. Like, no one actually gives a shit, Meghan, give it a goddamn rest.

No, trust me, this girls exists. I am related to this girl. She grows up to be an insufferable, self-congratulating asshole. Either that or I’m projecting my family drama on this completely unrelated situation. *shrugs*

I think we are all ignoring the fact that this is a bad song.


What if this turned out to be a viral campaign for Adobe?

It’s making me cringe every time I read that word, thank you.

Photoshop is not a video editing program, Meghan.

I’m going with “successful marketing tactic” because there is NO WAY I would have watched this video otherwise.

Maybe this is more common now, but we had to say no plus ones. If we know you well enough to invite you to our wedding, we’ll invite your partner as well on your invitation. Case by case exceptions can be made. I had a friend from another place who wouldn’t have known anyone else there. I wanted her to come, so I told

Oh please. I’m in insurance, you have no idea. Some people take out loans for engagement rings before they’ll take out a loan for a house and will pay on the ring before they’ll pay on their college loans. And it's true for both straight and gay couples and this may be showing my bias but...I thought at least lesbians

tied with the OpenButts(TM) collection...

And yet “chocolate diamonds” still remain their most offensive business practice.