
The funniest part of this conversation is how wrong your friend here is, and I'm saying this as an actual aero-propulsion engineer.

Oh Dumbo. With the exception of The Fox and The Hound, that was my favorite movie as a kid. I haven't seen it since I was <10 years old, so I don't remember much other than the cute animals and that one heartbreaking scene where the mom uses her trunk to rock Dumbo through the bars of the cage. All the horrible stuff

Seriously. People screen for diseases too, right? Like you can purposefully pick a donor that isn't a carrier for the same things you are. A mixup could be life-threatening.

Since someone has already brought you out of the greys, I might as well add that 1) there appears to be a man in the top picture, so good eye there buddy; 2) are you really unaware of the ratio of men to women in teaching? This article is about schoolteachers.

(oh and also, there are less than 30 people pictured here,

If they had said Audrey Hepburn, I'm pretty sure people would be freaking about why minorities can only be beautiful when they try to be white.

Are there other strip clubs in the area? Most dancers are pretty much freelance workers, as in they may have one club where they work most of the time, but they can pretty much work at any club they want.

I'm on a desktop and I can't figure it out either :/

The rape .gifs guy (braisebektballsamericnas this time) is back

Didn't you know? Victim blaming is only wrong and terrible if we're not a kinda jealous of you

Yeah I've used an analogy like this before too, and seeing the reactions here is really bumming me out.

Agreeing on what matters is what matters, that's really it.

And for me, if you don't like the music I like, that is one of the biggest deal breakers imaginable...because that is really important to me. Isn't that the point? Find someone who prioritizes the same things as you? I'm a vegetarian and my significant other loves McDonalds, and somehow we deal. We go to concerts and

I don't know which is dumber, the idea that women don't "crush out" on smart, funny guys, or that Amy Poehler is a super popular crush for the fellas. Remind me again, for which issue of Maxim or GQ was she on the cover?

Well, first, the author never said he stopped being attractive at any are assigning that opinion to her. He "was" human back then too, and shockingly still is now. Secondly, "stud" is an age-related term. See the Mirriam-Webster definition of "stud: a young man : especially: one who is virile and

Really, this is where you're going on this totally innocuous/silly post? Joe Biden is 71, putting him about 50 years older than a huge chunk of it really "age discrimination" for people here to jokingly express sexual interest in a picture from when he looked more like their peer than their grandfather?

I was at a waterpark in (of course) Florida once and I saw a man with giant capital-script letters that just said "SEX" across his back

And should we completely ignore that celebrities have an unparalleled chance to reach a segment of the population that would generally not watch the news? A tweet by Rihanna might not stop the conflict (not that anything she could do would...), but it could absolutely open the eyes of instagram-dwelling teens to care

There are a shit-ton of insanely stupid people everywhere.

You (and everyone else who posts this stupid .gif) should be aware that the reason Florida is in the news so often for things like this is that we have a law which renders all records open to the public. It's the most expansive of any state in the US. It's actually a pretty great system for people who live here, and

It was a joke on stupid Facebook games like FarmVille. They send requests to play to random people on a user's friends list...leading to girl you haven't talked to in years inadvertently sending you tons of notifications.