
This just makes me smile because, you know what? The python’s just about ready to shit out that pig. The Millennials only got stuck with a protracted adolescence because of the Boomers protracted adulthood. It’s not surprising the economy suffers when the oldest generation stays in the workforce way, WAY past its

Exactly. Fuck these people. They are heinous and the whole Quiverfull movement is disgusting. They treat women like nothing but breeding stock to be traded and bartered. They are the perfect example of the “religious” zealots who wholeheartedly voted for Trump.

Yeah, no. They’re suing to protect all the Joshes of the world.

I guess. I blame Reagan, myself, but there’s a direct line through them all to where we are now.

They are a coconundrupe. 

Reading these angry comments like:

My mom and stepdad enjoy BBT, and because I’m a self-described nerd, think I should enjoy it as well. I haven’t the heart to say it makes me want to rip the TV from the wall.

I don’t even understand how there are people that didn’t get it?? Like they’re just commenting without reading right??? Then again there are enough idiots in the world that Donald is president.

Came for both the hilarious comments in response and the comments from people who totally didn’t get this and I am NOT disappointed!

as an autistic woman and a nerd, it’s a guilty pleasure for me. i know it’s not for everyone, though.

I am staring hard into a reflection of my eyeballs, and in them, I see—could it be?—a gorgeous blue and green marble; it’s Earth, in my eyes. The sight of my eye is so beautiful my heart stops, much like the heart in the corpse behind me, and I am stunned; at the beauty of this world; the beauty of my fellow WO-man;

Lucky Santangelo! I’M DEAD.

Exactly. Sheldon, like most of the characters on the show, are bullies. It takes a certain amount of skill, like that of Jim Parsons, to make you forget that the characters’ behavior is reprehensible (on a show where its not supposed to be). But there it is.

The only thing wrong with “Sheldon” is that its a comedy about some kid on the spectrum who’s also a genius and a complete asshole.

I’d like to slap everyone involved in green lighting this show.

The only thing “wrong” with Sheldon is that he’s on the spectrum and he’s never had a single person in his life acknowledge that fact and help him to understand how he can relate to the world successfully. Once you know and care about someone with ASD, the show becomes absolutely unwatchable for how they (the show

This is nothing short of horrifying. CBS needs to fucking stop.

Well, at least they’ve made something worse than Big Bang Theory finally.