Hey Kid -
Hey Kid -
[Cornell and Roger Ailes sit in Charon’s barge, and open their complimentary meals.]
Carrie was entirely the worst the whole time and NONE OF US SAW IT! (you know who were also the worst? All the Friends. Related: do not re-watch older shows you used to love).
There’s a difference between hating Israel and empathizing with Palestine.
I obviously haven’t seen the show, but how does a regular ol sitcom espouse conservative values? What were the plotlines? A daughter gets pregnant because she’s only ever had abstinance only education and Tim Allen forces her to carry it to term but doesn’t contribute to the upbringing of the child?
Well, that, and the concerted effort to Gerrymander and suppress any voting block which is not traditionally strongly Republican in the first place.
I am convinced Trump could be caught by nuns getting a really incredible blowjob, from Jared, in the Oval Office and Breitbart would just scream “LIBERAL HYPOCRITES!”
Yet another example of the importance of the oxford comma.
Lots of Christians aren’t homophobic assholes. Most of the big churches in Canada(ex. United, Anglican etc.), have gay clergy and perform gay marriages.
Because the people who’s job it is to kick him out of office are the ones working for him. Seriously. The AG has to bring charges—you know, the one who had to recuse himself from the FBI investigation since he was colluding with *45 and the Russians—and the House has to do the impeachment thing—you know, the ones who…
Similarly confused U.S. citizen here..
Can’t feel special getting two scoops unless someone else only gets one scoop.
He’s wishing Melania a happy mother’s day (which means he’s ignoring two mothers of his own kids), but I thought he spent the day golfing? Also, Snippy Spice is getting some wicked mileage of that whole “(Donald’s most recent verbal diarrhea) really speaks for itself”.
Yes, there are much worse things then being called names.
Interesting. Even as a white male, I would think several centuries of being rounded up on one continent, shipped in brutal conditions to another continent, treated as property, institutionally and culturally treated as subhuman and outside of the protections of the rule of law, lynched, murdered or raped with few or…