
Fred. Ron was murdered in 1994.

Detox is no joke. If I interviewed at a hospital that did not have an alcohol withdrawal protocol, I kept on looking. Also, the benzos used to detox are rough to come off of as well. Besides the emotional aspect, the physical is scary and sometimes deadly. I’m glad that you are doing well, OP.

I do not feel the love for “Mayor Stop n Frisk”, who was basically Guilani only appearing to be less undead.

The lame (duck) Christie won’t do a thing, but the leader of the Dem primary (Tuesday JUNE 6 - VOTE) has committed to adding NJ to the group. So I find myself, a socialist at heart & mind, once again voting for a center left establishment democrat so that maybe the Earth doesn’t die.

None of it is fair, but she was so, so lucky to have you both.

My husband was born at RV also.

South Jersey is a distinct and grating regional accent. I’ve been in the area for 25 years but I still hear it. First time one of my kids told me he was going to “drawl me a pitcher”, we had a teachable moment with crayons (I’m not a monster).

Gluten isn’ t the catch all villain of the chronic GI disease world. If your scopes come back clean for celiac then eat that roll. I’d do bad things for a pain free bite of brioche.

Yep. I have IBS as well and need to avoid certain foods. I also have a Mast Cell issue so my allergic reactions are thankfully far apart, random, but I need to go to the ER for IV meds (hives in my mouth last time. Doc asked me how I felt about being intubated). So I live with “will this bit of food kill me?” Her list

These are the same people who think that young people eating avocados is what’s holding them back from boomer defined success.

Thomas will do anything not to write the opinion, including just signing “whatever”. At least this might help some people.

I read this in Carrie Bradshaw’s voice, and realized that I have a lot of tutus in my closet that need to be donated to charity.

Poor Tim Allen. It’s super hard being a cis-hetero white man in America. B-O-O H-O-O.

So much of the US is knee jerk republican that their rep can do naked cartwheels though an elementary school playground and still win.

Honestly, I think that the Democrat leadership in the House of Representatives know they are up for reelection next year and are waiting as long as they can to do something. Rep. Pelosi already said that they aren’t touching healthcare until they investigate Russia. Frankly, if the whole “we’re not X” worked, then

That! Is! Them!

That’s how I see this show and I feel sorry for the viewers who are so wrapped up in the story.

I think that some of the show has been visually stunning - the shot of Randall’s bio-dad kissing his granddaughter goodbye was worth watching the rest of the episode. Otherwise, I feel like it manipulates criers into crying. There is plenty of other shows to choose from, so I’m not suffering from the lack of quality,

I actually watch the press briefing when I can catch it during the day. Makes my mandatory cardiac rehab conditioning time very entertaining. Probably wouldn’t be great if I cackled myself off the recumbent bike and I can only laugh and re-inventory my disaster kit only so many times in a day.