
It’s not about leading voters to the Democratic side - the Republican nominee for President has won the popular vote only once in the last quarter century (Bush in 2004).

Crash course on medical ethics.

As a recovered alcoholic I can say please get medical help if you stop drinking. I had to be hospitalized three days before going to rehab to prevent this. Don’t be ashamed, and don’t think you can automatically do it on your own.

As a person with an autoimmune disease, I am not offended in any way shape or form and actually think this is a pretty good analogy. People need to sit the fuck down.

My dad has had a moustache and beard for my entire life. When we were little my sisters and I tried to get him to shave it off because it was itchy when he hugged us and he told us he couldn’t because he didn’t have a face underneath the hair. Now I am a grown-ass adult but I still shudder inside when his wife talks

Midwife here who does 75% home births. Would not recommend a home birth for Beyoncé due to age, twins, and possibly other health factors. ALLLLLLL for home births but not for risking unnecessarily.

I’m not sure if it’s true, but it’s the kind of shit that makes you want to become a Marxist.

If the hospital really is moving patients to another building, or keeping an entire floor empty for Beyonce to pop out some kids, fuck that.

No, people like me are NOT the problem you fucking ignorant asshat. People like Scalise are the goddamn problem. People like you, who use “people like you are the problem” unironically are, ironically, the goddamn problem.

He’s like tap water that has somehow been watered down.

Chillingly accurate

Hi opheelia — Thanks for the message. The Noble Renard should be officially gray-free now.


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Evening everyone, Mortem is still playing with his bucket and spade, so it’s time for the UK roundup!


I was just saying this! I think she’s more than just complicit.

And made up of his own gross bigotry and hatred for people of color. Let’snot take one admirable thing and erase the brutality that he forced people of color to endure during his time as Mayor.

Now playing

Did you see Samantha Bee and Al Franken mentioning each other’s descriptions of Trump yesterday? You’ll definitely enjoy it.

Lol, I am with you on that. I lucked out with my town’s weird positioning and racial makeup, as well as originally being from Philly, so that we have an accent but not that horrible, serious South Jersey one that makes me laugh.

An actual line from goop: “If you’re plagued by issues like parasites or heavy metals, you might need a bit more than a standard clean eating protocol. Below, some advice on working through more complex problems.”