
Nah, fuck ‘em. Fuck all this “need to be nicer to the fucking morons” shit that the left has been pushing in elections. If the alt-right wants a war to prevent them from installing fascism, then let’s give them a war.

“What if Commander Riker were a 90s tv mom?”

That’s the jacket of a woman who did all her shopping in 1997. It’s not often you see something that manages to look both cheap and dowdy, but that’s it, right there.

I love how our “toughest” president in history is such a wimp than he can’t even stand a correspondents dinner.

No, I won’t hold my breath, but today’s Court can’t get away with the same sort of flimsy bullshit they could in the past. The Selective Service Cases are a goddam roll-call of logical fallacies and revisionist history.

For some reason, the United States has a draft that somehow wasn’t held unconstitutional, despite involuntary servitude being explicitly prohibited in all cases except upon criminal conviction.

That’s how my husband is. He had no idea. When Trump announced his presidency, sure we both laughed. BUT, a week later I saw the republicans on social media and the headlines on Fox when googling him and I told him,“he’s going to win. He seriously is and I’m terrified.” And clear up until he got elected my husband

Some former friend of mine actually said “well thank god my son did his time and got out of the army” and then in the next breath said she hoped that what’s his name wiped out the (gross racial slur)and anyone who tried to stop him. Several people including retired and active duty military members jumped on her with

Always have to remember that the National Enquirer broke the John Edwards story.

The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind...

“Basement under the orangery” or British code for “bomb shelter for when the moldy orange American wanker president blows up the world?”

I know I am an old when I know what a Grand Slam is, but I am utterly unable to conceive of taking a picture of myself and accidentally uploading it to the internet. Imagine how many times the young ‘uns must do that in a week in order to make that mistake.

At least it didn’t ruin his hair.

I’m deeply resentful of 45's administration for many reasons; on the list is that his presidency has forced me to say things like, “Wow, this Kissinger piece is hilarious” and “Let’s not besmirch the good name of Richard Nixon by comparing him to Trump.”

When women start doing that to me, and hit them with the “ehn, mine’s a little on the slow side, but he’s sweet and happy, but I drank like a fish through most of my pregnancy, so [shrug!]”

Who the fuck ARE these people?!

Excuse me while I snort my birth control off my desk.

My problem with the show is the fact that it never once discusses mental health.

I feel sad that you never spilled a drink on him in da club.

I love Hoda too and good on her for adopting but I wish the Today show would quit with the babies-are-the-only-thing-valuable-about-these-women-and-all-women theme. Dont get me wrong, babies are okay, but just once I wish theyd trot out some Today related person who would say babies are hard and I kind of wish I