Jem Stephens

I would rather watch the first season of original Top Gear flipped upside down in a sepia tint, dubbed over in German with Hieroglyphics as subtitles, than ever watch another Top Gear USA episode.

Before I clicked on the link I was going to guess the reason was "Because scientists think politicians are morons."

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It's absurd. These scientists thinking that trying to talk with a House Science Committee Member like this guy might be an exercise in futility…

Went into it thinking "another dumb remake." Was pleased when they filmmakers understood everyone was thinking that and just said "fuck it, let's have fun!"

People don't agree and I don't give a fuuuuuuck. This movie was a fun live action anime with characters I actually cared about. Plus Matthew Fox as my favorite live action Batman. Kung Fu fights with cars people!!!

Pacific Rim! I know it was really dumb and stupid at some points but I didn't even care because I was 8 years old again

I just wanted to see a movie — any movie — and Crank looked like it might be a fun action flick. I was surprised by how entertainingly bonkers it was.

Galaxy Quest. Could you really expect much from a Tim Allen centric Trek parody? Apparently yes, you could.

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I worked at a movie theater when this was coming out so I had to suffer through the previews for it over and over, and while I thought it would be enjoyable, I had no expectations for a movie that was based on an amusement park ride. Then I watched it. Then I watched it again. Then I watched it roughly 20 times before



Quick let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!

My only complaint is that it was too short.

When I was in 4th grade, I became a kickball legend. I was playing 2nd base, with runners on 1st and 2nd base, with no outs. Anyway, up comes the opposing team captain and he kicks a screaming line drive right to me (out #1). I catch the ball chest high, center mass. I pivot slightly to my right and notice the the

Does baby Colussus poop little ball bearings?

Halo taught me that sometimes great sacrifices need to be made to save others and that the ends can justify the means (SPARTAN-IIs)

An entire philosophy an outlook on life summed up in two words and a towel.

Because it's been part of my life since I was a little boy, sparked my interest for Sci-Fi, space, science, pop culture, movies. There isn't a day in which SW doesn't play a part one way or another.

Whovian and proud!!!

But of course Star Trek...