Jem Stephens

The fact that she can't laugh at herself tells me everything I need to know about how stuck up she is.

Good joke or bad, I have absolutely no patience for people who can't laugh at themselves. Especially highly paid sports figures who earn millions of dollars for doing — lets be honest — nothing of any real consequence.

Still my favorite:


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How has no one brought this one up? Face of Boe was an awesomely surprising reveal.

It was a pretty great reveal, and Unbreakable got me, too.

Take your pick on which side, personally, I loved it.

Speaks for itself.


"The truth is because it was so important to the studio that we not angle this thing for existing fans."

Relax everyone!

Brass balls and liquid tight underwear.

Was he ever charged?

Just FYI, the Deltawing uses a modified version of the MR16DDT from the juke. Retired after 75 laps at the 2012 24 hours of Le Mans due to an accident, also set a fast lap time of 3:45.737. It finished 5th overall at the 2012 Petit Le Mans as an unclassified entry. It ran the 2013 12 hours of Sebring, but retired

They explained all the physics when they unveiled the Deltawing. It's solid.

Also acceptable response:

Not that same. The DeltaWing and BladeGlider take advantage of the rear weight bias by extending the wheelbase so that the tiny front wheels have a large moment arm to work on the rear wheels (Think of the sledgehammer analogy again). Narrowing down the front track also increases overall stability, reducing the

Blah blah blah.

Galaxy Quest: The Next Imitation