Jem Stephens

I’m so glad the initial comments are positive. I unabashedly love this series (of only two movies so far).

I was just thinking the same - this is a car website - this is a super fast car - wtf??? So it doesn’t corner - it’s not supposed to!!!

Car and Driver estimates, 815hp 700lb/ft about $80K Those are all INCREDIBLE numbers. A Hellcat at 707hp (with a warranty) is mind blowing. These are true muscle cars that run on pump gas, meet emissions and are capable of a grocery run and they  shame everything else ever called a muscle car in my opinion.

This is one of the most exciting thing to happen to American cars in YEARS, and people just complain cause it isnt a 1.5 liter hatchback that gets 50mpg. On an enthusiast website. Its maddening.

I always like when Rory does the opening monologue, “Half the time they get it wrong, so don’t call them heroes.”

I started LoT because of Mick & Leonard, yeah I like Ray too. Thought I’d be done with it when Snart was, but S2 has been such a blast I’ve hung around & mostly loving it. As a whole, S2 has been the best of DC TV after Supergirl!

Actually, the problem is that you didn’t recognize that “slim three and a half hours” is obviously a joke that you took seriously for no apparent reason.

As big a reveal as it is ,and it’s the real Jay in the mask.

But if the Jay on Earth-1 was Zoom all along, how did he fake his blood samples when Caitlin was checking his health? It’s already been established that Zoom is way faster than anything Flash has seen before, so what benefit could be gained from using Velocity when he was already fast without it?

I can’t be the only one who yelled “THAT’S IT? IT’S OVER???” at the TV after the screen went black.

“Deadpool is hyper-aware and does not give a shit, and he cannot be permanently hurt.”

Technically, it can maintain this condition right up until the point that it impacts the ground. You have to pay extra for that.

I loved Rose getting some spotlight! She is the best! Season 3 should be The Adventures of Peggy and Rose.

TVs are vertical instead of horizontal

But the explanation offered by AoS is essentially that Fury has reserve members of SHIELD that do stuff. That’s essentially what the movie itself implies, given that he has enough people to man the carrier and the various life boat things. The helicarrier was explained the episode that followed the release of Age of

Oh brother! Where the HECK in that intro did it say ANYTHING about it being the Poor who were at fault?

lighten up, francis.

I dunno.. don't you think if more intelligent people were breeding, there'd be more livable wages, paid leaves, and proper funding for scientific research? It certainly wouldn't hurt in trying to live up to the ideals and promises you speak of...