
Hating women and hating Adam Sandler are very different leagues of hate

He actually refused to see it then REVIEWED IT ANYWAY.

Be comforted knowing that the short guy who “doesn’t give a FUCK” is the actual maddest person in the world about being short. So mad.

Yeah most the girls were basically saying “Just because I’m pretty doesn’t mean I’m not also alluringly nerdy.” GET. OVER. YOURSELVES.

IDK none of them addressed the perception that they might like pumpkin spice like SOME heroes

It’s in response to/mocking a really face-meltingly awful buzzfeed listicle

Thank you so much for this I have spent the morning SEETHING over lemon tree guy. A TREE INDOORS DOES NOT MAKE YOU OUTDOORSY.

I will give everything I own for this scandal to involve Carly Rae Jepsen

I’m crying

Yeah but Solange roundhouse kicked Bey’s husband in an elevator so I don’t think she’s afraid of ruffling feathers


Legit snorted

“My name is Iggy, and you will all call me that.”

Oh my god, Becky

Oh stfu this was fully respectful, a full acknowledgment that what is being enjoyed is a celebration of black womanhood that is neither for or about white women, but CAN be enjoyed by white women and everyone else. What is important is that we all recognize the message.

I love you for writing this, this is great and I agree

Because she posted the “Good hair don’t care” comment, inserting herself into the issue.

Also, if you’ve listened to/watched Lemonade, I think we can all agree that Jay Z is getting dragged PLENTY.

Yeah, I have no sympathy here. If she had remained silent, and gotten attacked based on gossip/hearsay/rumor, then it would be bullying. But SHE posted a shitty comment basically implying “yeah I did it, come at me” and now people are coming at her. If you don’t want the heat, shut up online.

I don’t actually think he is, like, music-wise. He’s just a lame-o with some mix tapes who hooked onto the K train.

She’s on a show on the Disney channel where she plays twins, one of whom is a famous movie star and the other of whom is a normal person, it’s kind of weird and cruel but she’s cute in it.